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POSTED ON March 6, 2024  - POSTED IN Original Analysis

Ron Paul’s recent op-ed from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, reprinted in the Orange County Register, breaks down the profound damage caused by central bank money printing: it pits savers against speculators, encouraging consumers to use debt to fund basic needs since their savings are constantly evaporating due to monetary debasement.

POSTED ON October 29, 2019  - POSTED IN Videos

Foreign central banks have been stocking up on gold for months. According to the World Gold Council, a dozen central banks have increased their gold reserves by at least 1 ton through the first eight months of 2019. This continues a trend we saw through 2018. In total, the world’s central banks accumulated 651.5 tons of gold last year. The World Gold Council noted that 2018 marked the highest level of annual net central bank gold purchases since the suspension of dollar convertibility into gold in 1971, and the second-highest annual total on record.

Peter Schiff has talked about central bank gold-buying. He has noted that the US went off the gold standard in 1971, but he thinks the world is going to go back on it.

POSTED ON October 10, 2018  - POSTED IN Videos

The mainstream is giddy about the “booming economy.” We have rising stock markets, continued job creation and solid GDP growth. But Ron Paul recently appeared on CNBC Futures Now and threw a big bucket of cold water on the mainstream narrative. He said we are barreling toward a recession. 

POSTED ON July 2, 2018  - POSTED IN Guest Commentaries

Earlier this month, Peter Schiff said Federal Reserve policy is pushing us toward a no-growth, high-inflation economy.

There are a number of factors in play. There are growing inflation pressures. There are record amounts of debt – both government and corporate. But behind all of these symptoms, we have a disease.

Ron Paul digs down to the root causes of our economic woes in this in-depth look at the US financial system and the need for reform. Paul says a monetary crisis is coming. What will replace the dollar? Paul makes a strong case for gold.

POSTED ON April 16, 2018  - POSTED IN Videos

Ron Paul talked about bubbles during his Liberty Report last week, noting our articles on the subprime auto bubble, along with housing bubble 2.0.

As Ron pointed out, it’s hard to keep up with all of the distortions in the marketplace thanks to a decade of Federal Reserve easy money.

How do you cover all the bubbles? The nature of what the Fed does by manipulating interest rates to lower than the market rate, everything has to be affected to some degree by a bubble and a distortion and a malinvestment, and excessive debt.”

POSTED ON March 30, 2018  - POSTED IN Guest Commentaries

The Federal Reserve manipulates interest rates, creates money out of thin air, blows up asset bubbles and generally wreaks havoc on the economy. But some people have found an even more insidious problem with the Fed.

It’s not “diverse” enough.

Historian Tom Woods offered up some pretty sharp observations about this latest “outrage” in a recent email. And lest you think this is just a screed against left-wing social justice warriors, he has some sharp words for Republicans too. There’s pretty much bipartisan agreement when it comes to the “indispensable” nature of the Fed.

POSTED ON February 19, 2018  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

Inflation came in hotter than expected at 2.1%. A CNBC report said the number “pushes the economy toward a potential danger zone for inflation.”

Analysts had expected January inflation to come in at 0.3, after being up by 0.1 the previous month. Instead, the December number was revised up to 0.2 and January came in at 0.5. As Peter Schiff pointed out in his podcast, if you multiply 0.5 by 12 months, it comes to 6% inflation per year.

In his Feb. 16 Liberty Report, Ron Paul talked about inflation and its effect on everyday Americans. He said when it comes to this subject, the mainstream is all mixed up. More significantly, the creation of new money doesn’t impact everybody equally. Some benefit at the expense of others. 

POSTED ON January 23, 2018  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

Many state legislatures kick off their 2018 sessions this month and that means continuing efforts to facilitate gold and silver ownership at the state level.

Bills introduced in Tennessee and Alabama would repeal state sales taxes on the sale of gold and silver bullion, and an Arizona bill would build on a foundation set last year and take another step toward treating gold and silver as money. These efforts not only help expand the market for gold and silver in the US, they also have the potential to undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.

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