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July 12, 2024Original Analysis

Revitalizing Public Transit Through Privatization

Across America’s cities, the inherent flaws in public transportation are becoming all too apparent. There are few urban residents who have no qualms with their public transit system. From aging infrastructure, budgets that struggle to cover costs, and a noticeable decline in ridership, there’s a growing argument for the privatization of transit infrastructure. This move […]

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July 12, 2024Original Analysis

Property Tax and the Death of the American Dream

While the primary catalyst for the original English pilgrims to venture to America was religious freedom, a strong desire for independence followed closely behind. They desired to be independent of two things: poverty and government meddling. This spirit carried into the American Revolution and informed domestic policy for many years. The Homestead Act of (FIND […]

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July 11, 2024Original Analysis

U.S. Is “A Few Short Years” From Data Reliability Crisis, Study Warns

U.S. economic data is hitting headlines yet again—this time, due to serious concerns about its continued reliability. “Federal statistical agencies face increasing challenges to their ability to produce relevant, timely, credible, accurate, and objective statistics,” researchers of the American Statistical Association revealed. “Immediate action is needed to put the agencies … on a firmer footing […]

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July 1, 2024Original Analysis

Is France the Next Greece?

French markets have found some relief after the first round of its latest election, with stocks recovering somewhat and bond yields falling after reaching a 12-year high. But no matter which side wins in France, the market is afraid that an increase in unsustainable spending could be the common denominator. 

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