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Archive : Author

POSTED ON July 20, 2018  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

Bitcoin and the blockchain are joined at the hip – so much so that a lot of people don’t distinguish between the two. Cryptocurrency and blockchain have almost become synonymous. But in fact, they are two different things, and it’s important to understand the distinction.

The blockchain is a technology. Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange or a store of value that operates on that technology. You can have a blockchain without cryptocurrency, but you can’t have cryptocurrency without a blockchain. In fact, there are a lot of other possible uses for the blockchain beyond serving as a platform for bitcoin.

POSTED ON July 6, 2018  - POSTED IN Fun on Friday

Is it just me, or has modern American politics devolved into little more than petulant playground namecalling devoid of substance?

I stumbled across this latest outrage as I was perusing the depths of the internet the other day – presidential “challenge coins.” Apparently, according to the mainstream pundits, President Donald Trump can’t even get a fun little presidential tradition right.

The New York Times did an entire feature story on how Trump has ruined presidential challenge coins. I’ll bet most of you haven’t even heard of challenge coins. But they’re a thing. And according to our intrepid NYT columnist, Trump’s execution of this august tradition is a complete outrage!

POSTED ON June 29, 2018  - POSTED IN Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday is supposed to be fun, but I also like to think of it as a public service. So, today, I’m here to help.

If you have a venereal disease, televangelist Jim Bakker has the cure. Yes indeed! I feel it’s my duty to provide you with this information. I mean, who doesn’t want to instantly wipe out the consequences of that drunk 2 minutes when you were 16?

POSTED ON June 22, 2018  - POSTED IN Fun on Friday

If you check your spam folder right now, I can almost guarantee that you will find that somebody has sent you a scam email. They promise you cash, business opportunities and sometimes they even promise you riches in silver and gold!

I just checked my spam folder. Here’s what I got.

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