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POSTED ON March 24, 2020  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

March 23 was Peter Schiff’s birthday. It was also the day the Federal Reserve announced QE Infinity. So, Peter spent over three hours hosting a live videocast talking about the latest Fed moves, the potential impact on the economy and answering questions from viewers.

Peter said he was hoping to combat the rampant economic ignorance that is pretty much everywhere.

POSTED ON March 24, 2020  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

We now have QE to infinity and beyond.

On March 23, the Federal Reserve announced it will purchase an “unlimited” amount of US Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities. The Washington Post called the move “unprecedented” and said that it goes “much further than what the central bank did in the 2008-2009 crisis.”

POSTED ON March 23, 2020  - POSTED IN Original Analysis

Let me be clear upfront. I don’t think coronavirus is “just the flu.” I think the pandemic represents a significant health threat and could potentially overwhelm the healthcare system if the spread isn’t slowed. I think social distancing is wise. But I also think the draconian measures taken by governments that have effectively shut down the economy in many places may prove more deadly in the long run than the virus itself.

As Kerry Baldwin said, the economy is life-sustaining.

POSTED ON March 23, 2020  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

It wasn’t long ago that all of the pundits were telling us that the economy was strong. As a result, a lot of people seem to think that once the coronavirus situation is resolved, the economy will quickly go back to normal. In his podcast Friday, Peter Schiff said that’s not going to happen. The coronavirus is actually going to reveal that the “great” economy was an illusion — a big, fat, ugly bubble that has now been popped.

POSTED ON March 20, 2020  - POSTED IN Friday Gold Wrap

It’s been another week of selloffs in the markets. It’s not just stocks. Everything is selling off. The only thing really gaining right now is the US dollar. Meanwhile, the government is promising bailouts for all. In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap, host Mike Maharrey looks ahead at the possible ramifications of all this “stimulus” money. He also puts the recent drop in the price of gold into some historical perspective.

POSTED ON March 18, 2020  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

US stock markets enjoyed another Tuesday rebound with the announcement of even more monetary stimulus from the Fed and the hope of government fiscal stimulus and bailouts. In his podcast, Peter Schiff said this should make it crystal clear that the government and central bank are rigging the markets.

POSTED ON March 12, 2020  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

The 11-year bull run is over.

After a rebound on Tuesday based on hopes of government fiscal stimulus, US stock markets plunged again Wednesday and officially moved into bear territory.

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