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POSTED ON April 1, 2020  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

The Federal Reserve is injecting trillions of dollars of monetary stimulus into the financial system to ‘help’ the economy through the coronavirus pandemic. This is the same kind of ‘help’ the central bank offered in 2008. But as Peter Schiff explains in his latest podcast, this kind of ‘help’ is actually hurting. In fact, the ‘help’ we got in 2008 set us up for the crisis we’re entering today.

POSTED ON March 31, 2020  - POSTED IN Videos

The evil Empire has the ultimate weapon – the printing press. This diabolical machine is capable of bringing death to the dollar and destroying the entire economy. Watch the drama unfold as Peter Schiff and his rag-tag band of Austrian School economists fights the evil empire and tries to save the Republic from the Keynesian menace.

POSTED ON March 30, 2020  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

All eyes have been on the stock market in recent weeks as it has reflected the fears about the coronavirus-induced economic shutdown and the hopes of massive stimulus. It’s been quite a rollercoaster ride. But in his podcast on March 27, Peter Schiff said there’s an even bigger problem looming on the horizon that people aren’t paying any attention to – the potential destruction of the dollar. He said Americans are in for a rude awakening.

POSTED ON March 27, 2020  - POSTED IN Friday Gold Wrap

On Monday, the Fed announced QE infinity and by mid-week, Congress had agreed on a $2 trillion stimulus package to battle the economic impacts of the coronavirus. That launched us into a bizarro world where a weekly record of over 3 million unemployment claims led to a huge stock market rally. As Mike Maharrey put it in this Week’s Friday Gold Wrap podcast, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been stimulated. So, what exactly did the Fed do? What are the long-term ramifications? And can it work? Maharrey talks about all this and more in this week’s Gold Wrap.

POSTED ON March 26, 2020  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

On Wednesday, Congress finally agreed on a government stimulus/bailout plan to battle the economic impacts of coronavirus to the tune of over $2 trillion. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has committed to monetize the debt with QE to infinity. Practically speaking, we’re talking about trillions of dollars being injected into the US economy – all of those dollars created out of thin air.

So, what does all of the money creation and government spending mean for gold?

POSTED ON March 25, 2020  - POSTED IN Guest Commentaries

The Federal Reserve launched QE infinity this week. The Fed has committed to buy an “unlimited” amount of US Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities. But that’s not all. The central bank also announced it will buy some corporate bonds for the first time ever.

In effect, this is money-printing on a massive scale. And of course, pumping trillions of dollars into the economy will have ramifications. We may well be on the path to hyperinflation.

POSTED ON March 24, 2020  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

March 23 was Peter Schiff’s birthday. It was also the day the Federal Reserve announced QE Infinity. So, Peter spent over three hours hosting a live videocast talking about the latest Fed moves, the potential impact on the economy and answering questions from viewers.

Peter said he was hoping to combat the rampant economic ignorance that is pretty much everywhere.

POSTED ON March 23, 2020  - POSTED IN Original Analysis

Let me be clear upfront. I don’t think coronavirus is “just the flu.” I think the pandemic represents a significant health threat and could potentially overwhelm the healthcare system if the spread isn’t slowed. I think social distancing is wise. But I also think the draconian measures taken by governments that have effectively shut down the economy in many places may prove more deadly in the long run than the virus itself.

As Kerry Baldwin said, the economy is life-sustaining.

POSTED ON March 23, 2020  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

It wasn’t long ago that all of the pundits were telling us that the economy was strong. As a result, a lot of people seem to think that once the coronavirus situation is resolved, the economy will quickly go back to normal. In his podcast Friday, Peter Schiff said that’s not going to happen. The coronavirus is actually going to reveal that the “great” economy was an illusion — a big, fat, ugly bubble that has now been popped.

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