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POSTED ON August 3, 2015  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

The New York Times ran a surprising op-ed on Sunday highlighting some structural problems in the US economy.

The issues raised in the column titled “We’re Making Life Too Hard for Millennials” by Wall Street executive and NYT contributing opinion writer Steven Rattner won’t surprise our regular readers. In fact, you will find the analysis rather familiar. But the fact that it appeared on the pages of the New York Times comes as quite a shock. Apparently, the mainstream is becoming aware of what we’ve been saying for years.

15 08 03 nyt millenial debt

Rattner contends we should worry about future prospects for the millennial generation.

POSTED ON August 3, 2015  - POSTED IN Interviews, Videos

Peter Schiff appeared on MSNBC last week to talk about why gold is an essential asset for protecting your wealth from inflation and a failing US dollar. The conversation became a bit combative when Peter was asked to defend his claim that government inflation measures are inaccurate. Unsurprisingly, the MSNBC anchor took it for granted that government statistics are implicitly trustworthy.

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