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POSTED ON January 29, 2014  - POSTED IN Interviews

Ernie Hancock interviewed Peter Schiff on Declare Your Independence. Peter explained how the coming dollar collapse will play out for middle-class Americans. Peter’s interview lasts about 25 minutes in the video below.

With inflation, it’s the creditors that are wiped out. It’s the people who own the assets that win, because they pay off their debts with worthless money and so all the creditors have is money that has very little value and that they’ve lost. So what the government is doing through inflation – and that is its deliberate policy – is to transfer wealth from the people who have savings to the people who have debt. And unfortunately, most of the big debtors are the Wall Street billionaires…”

[vimeo 85274324 w=640 h=360]

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POSTED ON January 28, 2014  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines, Original Analysis

In late December of last year, Peter Schiff and his brother Andrew released a new and expanded version of their illustrated economic fable How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes. Since the debut of the original version of the book in 2010, people across the world have told them that the book’s simplicity, humor, and straightforward story-telling have given them a better understanding of real economics.

POSTED ON January 27, 2014  - POSTED IN Guest Commentaries

It’s mainstream now. The US economic recovery is a sham, especially when it comes to the plight of the middle class. A new piece at CNNMoney reviews the major economic metrics that are not nearly as positive as they would be if we were experiencing a real recovery. These include the weak job market, underperforming manufacturing sector, weak global trade, and much more.

POSTED ON January 24, 2014  - POSTED IN Interviews, Videos

Peter Schiff is this week’s expert on Sprott Money’s interview series. They had a great conversation about the current negative attitude towards gold by mainstream media and investors.

Once [the gold market] bottoms out, it’s going to be a huge rally. Because the sellers are going to be gone, and the buyers are still there. And once the market rallies sufficiently to change the sentiment around to the point where the speculative money, the investor money wants back in – where is the gold going to come from? Because all the gold that was liquidated in the last year, that was blown out of the ETFs, that gold is not coming back to the market. The buyers aren’t going to sell it. They don’t care what the price is… Gold was bought by a central bank in China? They’re never going to sell it!”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold
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POSTED ON January 23, 2014  - POSTED IN Interviews, Videos

Peter Schiff appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience and chatted with Joe for almost three hours! From politics to Austrian economics, Peter and Joe covered the gambit in this entertaining conversation. Quantitative easing, Occupy Wall Street, oil companies, crony capitalism, modern medicine, minimum wage, gold investment, Bitcoin, and much more…

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold
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POSTED ON January 21, 2014  - POSTED IN Interviews, Videos

In a recent interview, independent financial journalist Lars Schall and Jim Rickards have a fascinating discussion about the importance of gold to the stability of the global central banking system.

Central banks may turn to gold not because they want to, but because they have to as a way to restore confidence. Of course, the result of that would be much higher gold prices. When I say higher, I don’t mean $1,000 an ounce, I mean going up to… [as high as] $9,000 an ounce. That would be where you would have to price gold in order to have an international monetary system that could support trade without causing massive deflation.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold
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POSTED ON January 20, 2014  - POSTED IN Interviews, Videos

Peter Schiff appeared on RT’s Boom Bust last week to explain how Federal Reserve’s monetary policy is preventing legitimate economic growth in the US and why that policy will lead to a currency crisis.

The central banks are trying to get everyone to irrationally fear a good thing – falling consumer prices – so that they can create inflation and we won’t complain about it. But the real reason they need inflation is to wipe out all of their debt and to sustain all of these phony bubble economies they’ve inflated.”


Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold
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POSTED ON January 17, 2014  - POSTED IN Original Analysis

Peter Schiff’s latest commentary for Euro Pacific Capital addresses the pernicious mainstream belief that inflation is good for the economy, while deflation is bad. If the government, supported by mainstream media’s propaganda, remains dedicated to inflationary strategies, there’s one surefire way to protect your wealth: physical gold.

POSTED ON January 14, 2014  - POSTED IN Guest Commentaries

Bron Suchecki, the Depository Administrator of the Perth Mint in Australia, has posted some interesting and alarming insights into the looming supply restraints on gold coins. If popular demand picks back up in the coming year, it could easily force mints to ration their supplies and send premiums surging.

POSTED ON January 13, 2014  - POSTED IN Original Analysis, Videos

Peter Schiff begins hist latest video blog with a review of December’s dismal jobs numbers and the latest data that reveal how poor the supposed US economic recovery really is. He then explains why Janet Yellen will soon be facing a bigger crisis than Ben Bernanke had to deal with when he first took charge of the Fed in 2006.

The monetary policies pursued by Bernanke were far more reckless than the ones pursued by Greenspan. And therefore, the bubble is much bigger. And therefore, the damage to the economy when it pops will be much bigger… We’re going to have another crisis early in the Yellen term that will be bigger than the crisis that we had early in the Bernanke term. Wall Street and government are equally as prepared – they will be equally blindsided.”


Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold
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