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Posts Tagged: “taxes

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February 18, 2024Guest Commentaries

Why America Will Never Surmount Its Mountain of Debt

Can America hope to climb past its mountain of $34 trillion of federal debt? With the staggering weight of unfunded liabilities in vital entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare reaching $212 trillion, any strategy for repayment is met with formidable obstacles. Our guest contributor arrives at a sobering verdict: the magnitude of the debt […]

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April 18, 2023Original Analysis

The Tax Man Cometh — Again

Today is tax day. I’m not pleased. I don’t know about you, but that means my bank account balance will be significantly smaller later this evening. I’m going to have to write a big check. But hey, this is the price I pay for a more civilized society.

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October 19, 2022Key Gold Headlines

Federal Tax Receipts Near Record-High Share of GDP

The US government is rolling in dough! US tax receipts have surged this year. Through August, the US Treasury had collected over $4.4 trillion in revenue for fiscal 2022 with one month left to go. That was already 10% higher than receipts in 2021. The US government took in $303.73 billion in August alone. That […]

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August 22, 2022Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: Super-Sized IRS Will Shrink Liberty

The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” is another Washington DC lie. It won’t do anything to reduce inflation. In fact, it will do the exact opposite. Instead, they should have named it the “Liberty Reduction Act,” because that’s what 87,000 new IRS agents funded by this spending bill will do. Yes, the tax man cometh. And […]

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August 9, 2022Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: The “Inflation Reduction Act” Is Another DC Lie

We get a lot of Orwellian spin out of Washington D.C. A recession isn’t a recession, Putin’s price hikes caused inflation, and now we’re told a massive spending bill will cure inflation. Last weekend, the Senate gave final approval to the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.” Despite the catchy title, it is nothing but a tax-and-spend […]

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