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Posts Tagged: “mining

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February 20, 2024Original Analysis

What Gold Mining Companies Are Telling Their Investors

The most direct way to invest in gold is to buy gold and as SchiffGold advises the smart way to buy gold is to buy gold coins or billions. Sometimes investors bullish on the long-term prospects of gold take a look at the stocks of gold mining companies. Stocks of course lack some of the most attractive features […]

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June 28, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Chinese and Mexican Mines Are Running Out of Silver

Silver demand set a record in every category in 2022 and is expected to continue growing. Meanwhile, silver production flatlined. Record global silver demand and a lack of supply upside contributed to a 237.7 million ounce market deficit in 2022. The trends indicate that this deficit will expand in the next several years as demand continues […]

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January 25, 2021Key Gold Headlines

Gold Mine Output Fell Sharply in 2020

World gold production dropped by 5.4% in 2020 according to preliminary estimates released by GlobalData last week. Global data projects gold production came in at 108 million ounces last year. The sharp decline was largely due to mine closures during the coronavirus pandemic. But it also fits into a broader trend of declining mine output […]

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March 2, 2020Guest Commentaries

The Biggest Gold Nugget Ever Found

Last year, an Australian family found a gold nugget just laying on the ground. Needless to say, this doesn’t happen every day. In fact, finding a gold nugget is quite unusual – even a small one. But every once in a while, somebody discovers a massive nugget. The biggest nugget ever discovered was over 600 […]

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