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Posts Tagged: “fiat currency

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March 7, 2024Original Analysis

What Dollarization Says About Returning to the Gold Standard

Everyone’s heard of Javier Milei, the new president of Argentina, called by Fox News the world’s first libertarian president. He has been in the news for his denunciation of leftism, Marxism, and the sprawling bureaucracy that has trapped Argentina in debt. He’s also taken aim at run-away inflation in Argentina. Inflation in the last year was […]

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February 14, 2024Original Analysis

The Politicos Trading Gold Stocks

When members of Congress aren’t passing laws, holding committee meetings, or more cynically fundraising endless dollars, some of them choose to pass the time by trading stocks. And for whatever reason, keen insight or perhaps insider trading, members of Congress tend to beat the market.

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January 11, 2024Guest Commentaries

How the Secret Service Abandoned the Gold Standard

A US government operation led by the Secret Service from 1865 covertly dismantled the gold and silver currency system. This strategic move, propelled by two acts of Congress, was a cunning ploy that centralized economic power. A commentator from the Mises Institute explores the little-known involvement of the Secret Service in this historical development, and […]

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February 22, 2023Guest Commentaries

Is There a Path Back to a Gold Standard?

Any suggestion of returning the monetary system to a gold standard is immediately met with howls of protest. “It’s impossible!” were told. But Bettina Bien Greaves who was a translator, editor, and bibliographer for economist Ludwig von Mises’ works argues that there is no practical reason we couldn’t return to a gold standard. The objections […]

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October 19, 2022Guest Commentaries

Gold Is Nature’s Money

Gold is nature’s money. Aristotle listed four characteristics of sound money: it must be durable, portable, divisible, and have intrinsic value. Gold possesses all of these characteristics, which is why gold has served as money for thousands of years.

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July 27, 2021Guest Commentaries

Fiat Money, Deception and Lies

Inflation continues to run rampant, eroding our purchasing power even as policymakers continue to tell us there’s nothing to worry about. The US government continues to run up unfathomable levels of debt. We continue to endure a repeating cycle of booms and busts as Fed and US government policies blow up bubbles that inevitably pop. […]

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October 4, 2017Original Analysis

Digital Fools Gold – Bitcoin’s Sustainability in Question

Recently, Jamie Diamond of Citibank made headlines by labeling Bitcoin a fraud. Whether those comments played any part in Bitcoin’s recent sell off is hard to say, but the true believers reacted with predictable outrage given that the comments came from the ultimate Wall Street insider whose financial supremacy is supposedly threatened by crypto currencies […]

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