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September 26, 2013Guest Commentaries

Rickards: Physical Gold VS Paper Money (Audio)

Tekoa de Silva of Bull Market Thinking spoke with Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, about the Fed’s decision to continue QE without tapering. Rickards, like Peter Schiff, had no expectation of tapering. The most interesting part of the interview is Rickards’ discussion of his involvement in a financial war game conducted by the Pentagon […]

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September 25, 2013Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff Was Right: Taper Edition (Video)

Back in 2008, a video mashup was uploaded to YouTube featuring Peter Schiff’s media appearances from 2006 to 2007 in which he predicted the 2008 financial crisis, sometimes in the face of open ridicule from other analysts. As you’ve likely heard by now, Peter Schiff was right again, but this time about the much-anticipated tapering […]

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September 24, 2013Videos

Ron Paul: The More You Print, the Bigger the Bubble (Video)

Ron Paul appeared on Wall Street Journal Live yesterday to share his thoughts on the Fed’s decision to continue QE without tapering. Paul, author of End the Fed, is an advocate of honest money and protecting your wealth with hard assets like physical gold and silver. The more you print, the bigger the bubble. And […]

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September 20, 2013Guest Commentaries

The Fed’s Super Nova Asset Bubble

In a commentary released today on Of Two Minds, Charles Hugh Smith explains how the Fed has painted itself into a corner with its endless quantitative easing. Smith argues that it can’t be long before the markets become completely desensitized to the money printing and the whole bubble economy goes kablooey. How do you protect […]

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September 19, 2013Guest Commentaries

Fed Non-Taper Converts Gold Bears to Bulls

After yesterday’s announcement of the Fed’s decision to not taper QE, CNBC published a commentary about how the news is affecting the views of stock traders and market analysts. Many are waking up to the fact that the economy is a long way off from true recovery and believe that gold may have kicked its […]

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September 16, 2013Guest Commentaries

Gold Could Easily Hit $2,000 with Black Swan Event (Video)

Last week, Vanessa Collette of interviewed global market strategist Dan Popescu at the Toronto Resource Investment Conference hosted by Cambridge House International. Popescu spoke about the role gold plays in the currency war that is pitting Asia and emerging markets against developed Western nations. Given the uncertainty of the US dollar’s stability, he thinks […]

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September 13, 2013Guest Commentaries

Latest Silver News from the Silver Institute

The Silver Institute’s August Silver News was released this week and is full of updates on the ever evolving world of industrial and technological silver applications. Silver might hold the key to letting our smart phone batteries last a whole week, while silver’s antimicrobial properties are garnering attention from large universities. Silver News also explains the differences […]

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September 11, 2013Guest Commentaries

Choosing Fed Candidates is Like Choosing How to Be Executed

In a post on The Tell, MarketWatch contributor Saumya Vaishampayan summarized Peter Schiff’s analysis of the upcoming replacement of Ben Bernanke as chair of the Federal Reserve. If you agree with Peter that the Fed can’t prevent the coming economic crisis, then he recommends avoiding dollar-denominated debt and investing in hard assets like physical gold and silver. […]

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September 10, 2013Interviews

Peter Schiff: Don’t Hold Breath for Fed to Taper

In an exclusive interview with, Peter Schiff talked about the inevitable crisis that will result from the Fed’s quantitative easing and the eventual collapse of the dollar. Peter explained how important physical gold is as a safe haven asset in times of uncertainty, and why he doesn’t expect the Fed to taper the stimulus […]

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September 9, 2013Original Analysis

Gold Will Rally Whether or Not Fed Tapers (Video)

In his video blog post from Friday, Peter Schiff dissects the latest jobs report numbers and explains how the misleading data proves that the Fed’s quantitative easing isn’t working. Whether they blame Syria or disappointing economic data, Peter expects the Fed to make excuses to continue its stimulus. He spells out why physical gold will […]

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