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October 7, 2013Interviews

Preparing for a Dollar Collapse (Audio)

This morning, Peter Schiff was interviewed by Mike Slater on KFMB San Diego. Peter explained why raising the debt ceiling is just going to make the real crisis much worse and lead to the inevitable collapse of the US dollar. Peter didn’t have time to advise the listeners on how to protect themselves from this […]

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October 4, 2013Interviews

The Fed Is Lying – Inflation Is Getting Worse (Video)

In an interview on The Street, Peter Schiff explained the relationship between physical gold and the debt limit of the United States. Peter argued that the Fed is lying about inflation because it doesn’t want to admit that there is no real economic recovery. What’s good for gold is when they raise the debt ceiling, […]

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October 4, 2013Guest Commentaries

Uncle Sam: Big Believer in Gold

Brett Arends published an excellent article on MarketWatch today, revealing that US Treasury officials have no intention of selling gold reserves. As one Treasury spokeswoman told him: “Selling gold would undercut confidence in the US both here and abroad, and would be destabilizing to the world financial system.” “Grab any Wall Street trader in a bar, […]

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October 3, 2013Original Analysis

The Taper Fakeout

By Peter Schiff Anyone who bought the media buzz about a September reduction of QE – called the “taper” – was very surprised when the Federal Reserve announced that stimulus would continue unabated. According the the official narrative, inflation is under control and the labor market is steadily improving. Why wouldn’t a modest taper be […]

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October 3, 2013Guest Commentaries

Chinese Housewives vs Goldman Sachs

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research Goldman Sachs is once again predicting that gold will fall, setting a new near-term target of $1,050. Never mind the schizophrenic gene that would be required to follow the constantly fluctuating predictions of all these big banks; it’s amazing to me that anyone continues to listen to them after […]

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October 2, 2013Guest Commentaries

Dollar Is Being Dethroned as World Reserve Currency (Video)

Ned Goodman, a Canadian billionaire businessman, addressed Cambridge House’s Toronto Resource Investment Conference a few weeks ago. While Goodman’s delivery is subdued, his message could not be more important. Goodman believes the US is already in a recession and reviews the reasons why the international community is beginning to turn its back on the US […]

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October 1, 2013Lampoon the System

Bernanke’s ‘Exit Strategy’

Jon Pawelko publishes the web comic Lampoon The System to poke fun at insane economic policies and educate the public on sound economics. Click here for more cartoons and information on his anthology book, available for only $15. Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold Interested in learning about […]

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October 1, 2013Guest Commentaries

Why Is China Buying So Much Gold?

Cameron Alexander wrote an interesting article on Chinese gold demand in CME Group’s publication Open Markets. The Chinese have rushed to take advantage of low gold prices this year, and China’s central bank is talking about easing restrictions on gold imports going forward. China is on track to surpass India in global gold demand this […]

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September 30, 2013Original Analysis

This Month in Gold – September 2012

CME Clearing Europe Accepts Gold as Collateral PRNewswire – CME Clearing Europe, the sister shop of CME Clearing (US), has broadened the range of collateral it is willing accept to cover margin requirements to include gold. In its own words: “The extension offers additional flexibility at a time when high quality collateral is at a […]

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September 30, 2013Key Gold Headlines

This Month in Gold – September 2013

Gold at 3-Month High on Safe Haven Appeal Reuters – In the last week of August, the gold spot price climbed to its highest since May and silver rose to its highest since April. The rise was attributed to the potential of a US military strike against Syria and gold’s safe haven appeal during times […]

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