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October 24, 2013Interviews

Preparing for the Inevitable Dollar Collapse

This week, Peter Schiff spoke with Gold Silver Worlds about why the collapse of the US dollar is unavoidable and what you can do to protect yourself from it. What would the dollar be replaced with once it falls? Schiff believes the world cannot use the euro or the yen as the world reserve currency […]

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October 22, 2013Guest Commentaries

The Silver Bull Is Alive and Well

Jeff Clark, Senior Precious Metals Analyst for Casey Research, published an excellent article about the undiminished investment demand for silver this year. Gold has taken a beating from unjustly bearish investors, but the appetite for silver around the world does not seem to be fading at all. In a recent interview, Peter Schiff noted that […]

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October 18, 2013Interviews

Peter Schiff on Debt & Gold

In an interview with The Daily Caller, Peter Schiff shares his views on the debt ceiling agreement, the future of gold and silver, and how indebted individuals can best prepare for the coming economic crisis.

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October 17, 2013Original Analysis

Janet Yellen Exposed – Truth Behind the Myth (Video)

In a new video blog post, Peter Schiff expands at length upon Janet Yellen’s lousy record as an economist. While the media claims that Yellen warned of the housing bubble as early as 2005, Peter reveals that this is a complete whitewash of the truth. Looking directly at Yellen’s own words, he demonstrates that Obama’s […]

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October 16, 2013Guest Commentaries

Doug Casey: The Waning US Economy (Audio)

Enjoy this enlightening interview with Doug Casey on This Week in Money, hosted by Jim Goddard. Casey expounds upon the failing US dollar, the importance of precious metals investing, Asian gold demand, Janet Yellen, and the broader future of the United States. “Confidence [in the US dollar] is going to be lost more and more […]

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October 15, 2013Interviews

Silver Looks Golden: Peter Schiff Q&A

Peter Schiff recently gave an exclusive interview to Commodity HQ, focusing on the great potential silver has in the coming years. Rather than worry about investment products that are backed by physical gold or silver, Peter recommends buying the actual precious metals and storing them in a safe place. [Investors] should be paying attention to […]

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October 14, 2013Interviews

Avoid US Markets, Invest in Precious Metals (Video)

On CNBC Asia last Friday, Peter Schiff explained why he has no doubt that the government will raise the debt ceiling. Of course, this only means more pain in the long-term and eventually a dollar collapse and sovereign debt crisis. If you want to protect yourself from this looming economic crisis, Peter recommends avoiding US […]

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October 11, 2013Interviews

Debt Ceiling & Gold – Hype vs Reality (Video)

In his latest video blog, Peter Schiff explains why Goldman Sachs is completely wrong with its prediction that gold will plummet if the debt ceiling is raised. Peter also reminds us that he’s always predicted that Obama would make the worst possible choice for replacing Bernanke as Fed Chairman: Janet Yellen. Not raising the debt […]

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October 11, 2013Videos

Rickards: We’re In a Depression (Video)

Yesterday, on Yahoo! Finance, Jim Rickards spoke with Lauren Lyster about how Janet Yellen will perform as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Rickards agrees with Peter Schiff, reasoning that Yellen is going to keep the stimulus flowing. He also explained why he thinks the US is actually in a depression and will be experiencing a […]

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October 9, 2013Guest Commentaries

Priced in Gold, American Wages Are Dismal

Forbes published an eye-opening op/ed by Keith Weiner of the Gold Standard Institute today. Weiner first looks at the government’s historical data on the costs of consumer goods and employee salaries. He then looks at the same data in terms of gold ounces, revealing that American workers are laboring longer for dramatically less pay than […]

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