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November 12, 2013Interviews

The Greatest Ponzi Scheme of All Time (Video)

Max Keiser spoke with Peter Schiff yesterday about what sort of monetary and fiscal policies the US must embrace in order to really grow the economy. Peter and Max agree that QE isn’t going to stop until a genuine currency crisis erupts and the price of gold goes through the roof. We need monetary reform… […]

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November 8, 2013Guest Commentaries

Latest Silver News from The Silver Institute

The Silver Institute released their monthly Silver News this week, and it is full of interesting updates on silver investment and advances in silver technologies. This edition includes articles on silver’s use in bio-batteries made with sewage, the 12th China International Silver Conference, and the US Mint’s staggering amount of silver coin sales this year. […]

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November 7, 2013Interviews

Central Banks Can’t Fix Government Problems (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on CNBC Europe to talk about the European Central Bank’s decision to cut interest rates to a record low today. Peter argued that Europe should avoid going down the road of money printing and currency debasement that the United States has embraced, addressing particularly the wrong-headed idea that inflation is a legitimate […]

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November 7, 2013Original Analysis

Gold: Hold It or Fold It?

By Peter Schiff It’s starting to feel like we are part of a giant poker game against the US government, whose hand is the true condition of the American economy. The government has become so good at bluffing that most people feel compelled to watch how the biggest players in the game react to determine […]

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November 7, 2013Guest Commentaries

Silver’s Message: The Bull Is Alive and Well

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research Some readers may want to toss a rotten tomato at the second part of that headline given stubbornly weak metals prices, but let’s see if the data we’ve uncovered below will lower that cocked arm. As of last Friday, silver is down 32% on the year, and down a […]

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November 5, 2013Guest Commentaries

Gold Will Have Its Day: A Defense of Peter Schiff

Bloomberg published a feature article this week about Peter Schiff, attempting to paint him as an irrational gold bug and discredit his predictions of the looming economic crisis. The folks at The Daily Bell have published a rebuttal to Bloomberg’s hit piece, explaining some of the finer points of free market economics and why Peter […]

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November 1, 2013Lampoon the System

Obama’s Economic Translator

Jon Pawelko publishes the web comic Lampoon The System to poke fun at insane economic policies and educate the public on sound economics. Click here for more cartoons and information on his anthology book, available for only $15. Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold Interested in learning about […]

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October 31, 2013Interviews

Since When Does Higher Inflation Help the Economy? (Video)

In this clip from yesterday’s Kudlow Report on CNBC, Peter Schiff shares his interpretation of the Federal Reserve’s latest statement, arguing that the next move the Fed will make is to increase its quantitative easing. Larry Kudlow agrees with Peter that the Fed has no real exit strategy and implies that higher inflation targets are […]

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October 31, 2013Key Gold Headlines

This Month in Gold – October 2013

Gold Posts Biggest Quarterly Gain in a Year Reuters – Gold ended the third quarter up 8%, the largest quarterly gain since Q3 2012. It’s expected to recover further if Fed stimulus continues, which analysts consider a possibility given a US government shutdown and weak dollar. “It seems to us that the central bank will […]

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October 24, 2013Interviews

Preparing for the Inevitable Dollar Collapse

This week, Peter Schiff spoke with Gold Silver Worlds about why the collapse of the US dollar is unavoidable and what you can do to protect yourself from it. What would the dollar be replaced with once it falls? Schiff believes the world cannot use the euro or the yen as the world reserve currency […]

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