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December 4, 2013Original Analysis

The Eastern Lust for Gold

By Peter Schiff Having replaced savings with debt on both the national and individual levels, I think it’s well past time for Westerners to take a few lessons from our creditors in the East. Many Americans consider gold a “barbarous relic,” but in Asia, the yellow metal remains the bedrock of individual savings plans. This […]

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December 4, 2013Guest Commentaries

Time for Goldbugs to Admit Defeat?

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research After a 12-year run, it looks like gold’s wave has truly crested, and many bears are arguing that it’s all downhill from here. A quick glance at a long-term gold price chart certainly seems to confirm this impression:

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December 3, 2013Videos

Peter Schiff’s Recommendations for 2014 (Video)

Yesterday, CNBC’s Closing Bell asked Peter Schiff what his expectations are for 2014 and what investors should be buying. Peter argued that the American economy is not deleveraging and urged investors to avoid the conventional wisdom of Wall Street that continues to ignore the looming dollar crisis. It’s been a lousy year for gold because […]

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December 1, 2013Lampoon the System

She Wouldn’t Know a Bubble…

Jon Pawelko publishes the web comic Lampoon The System to poke fun at insane economic policies and educate the public on sound economics. Click here for more cartoons and information on his anthology book, available for only $15. Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold Interested in learning about […]

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November 30, 2013Key Gold Headlines

This Month in Gold – November 2013

Dubai Plans Spot Gold Contract for 2014 Wall Street Journal – The Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange (DGCX) is planning to launch the first Middle East spot gold contract in 2014. The new platform will simplify the process for trading smaller quantities of physical gold and, according to Chief Executive Gary Anderson, will “eliminate that […]

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November 21, 2013Original Analysis

Bitcoin vs. Gold (Video)

Peter Schiff compares the cryptocurrency Bitcoin vs. the precious metal Gold. Which one is the better investment? For More Information on Investing in Gold Call 1-888-GOLD-160 (1-888-465-3160) Talk now to a Precious Metals Specialist who will be happy to answer your questions. Request a Callback Click Here and a Specialist will call you back at […]

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November 19, 2013Guest Commentaries

Paul Craig Roberts: The Dollar’s Dark Future (Video)

Earlier this month, Paul Craig Roberts was interviewed by Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog about the perils faced by the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Roberts is a former Assistant Treasury Secretary and believes it is likely that there will be a major dollar crisis sooner than later. Roberts talks about the strong global […]

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November 18, 2013Videos

Fed Stimulus Is Blowing a Dow Bubble (Video)

CNN’s The Lead spoke with Peter Schiff today to get his thoughts on the new highs in the stock market. While stocks might be performing better than government bonds or cash, Peter explains that they will plummet as soon as the Fed can no longer print money. If you want to avoid the crash, consider […]

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November 15, 2013Videos

Yellen: The Blind Leading the Blind (Video)

Yahoo! Finance’s Breakout spoke with Peter Schiff about Janet Yellen’s confirmation hearings. The same day that Yellen insisted there are not any major asset bubbles forming in the US economy, Peter reminded us that Yellen has a terrible record of forecasting bubbles. The only thing that will stop the Fed’s reckless inflationary path will be […]

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November 14, 2013Videos

Strong Q3 Global Gold Demand (Video)

The World Gold Council released their latest Gold Demand Trends for the 3rd quarter of 2013. The report goes into detail about world gold demand in the investment, consumer, central bank, and technology sectors. Gold Demand Trends is available as a free download, and Marcus Grubb, the World Gold Council’s managing director for investment, gives […]

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