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September 3, 2013Original Analysis

Off to the Races

By Peter Schiff Summer is traditionally a slow season for precious metals, but this summer started with a rout. In the last week of June, gold and silver hit 2-year lows of $1,192 and $18.61 respectively. Fortunately, after staggering along the lows, the precious metals are off to the races once more – with gold […]

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September 3, 2013Guest Commentaries

Poor Economy = Low Gold Price?

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research Despite some positive data, the global economy is showing signs of slowing, a remarkable development in itself when you consider all the money printing and deficit spending that’s transpired over the past few years. According to the IMF’s overview, global growth was less than expected in the first quarter […]

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September 1, 2013Lampoon the System

The Road to Ruin

Jon Pawelko publishes the web comic Lampoon The System to poke fun at insane economic policies and educate the public on sound economics. Click here for more cartoons and information on his anthology book, available for only $15. Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold Interested in learning about […]

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August 31, 2013Key Gold Headlines

This Month in Gold – August 2012

India Gold Rush Picking Up Pace Forbes – Prithviraj Kothari, President of the Bombay Bullion Association, expects Indian gold imports to increase by 20% during the second half of 2012 as compared to the first half. Kothari sees India importing 300 tons from July to December, up from 250 tons from January to June. Currently, gold […]

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August 31, 2013Key Gold Headlines

This Month in Gold – August 2013

Singapore Opens 200 Metric Ton Silver Vault Bloomberg – Malca-Amit Global Ltd. added a 200 metric ton silver vault to its five existing gold vaults at the Singapore FreePort. The new silver vault will be an affordable storage alternative for the less expensive white metal, since the gold vaults are already fully reserved due to […]

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August 30, 2013Interviews

Buy Gold Before the Coming Rally Leaves You Behind (Video)

CNBC’s Futures Now spoke with Peter Schiff last night about the long-term outlook for the gold market in the face of the Syrian crisis and the Fed’s talk of tapering. Peter also answered a question from the audience about the likelihood of the government confiscating physical gold in the event of a major economic collapse. […]

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August 29, 2013Videos

Jim Rogers: Seas of Artificial Money Spell Disaster (Video)

Jim Rogers was interviewed by Reuters about how a war with Syria might affect the price of gold, but he went on to spell out the economic disaster that is yet to come thanks to a “sea of artificial free money.” In preparation, what does Jim buy? Gold and hard assets that serve as excellent […]

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August 28, 2013Guest Commentaries

Recession Never Ended for the Bottom 95%

On his blog Of Two Minds, Charles Hugh Smith published a scathing commentary on the supposed recovery from the 2008 recession. By examining a number of under-reported metrics, Smith paints a bleak picture of the ongoing recession that the government has tried to obscure with bogus GDP data.

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August 27, 2013Videos

US Economic Growth Is an Illusion (Video)

MRC TV interviewed Peter Schiff about the supposed economic recovery and faulty government calculations of economic statistics. While emerging markets continue to buy gold and silver at record rates, everyday Americans are struggling to support their basic food and energy expenses. I think the economy has been contracting for the last four or five years. […]

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August 23, 2013Guest Commentaries

Staggering US Mint Silver Eagle Coin Sales

Peter Schiff’s latest research report, The Powerful Case for Silver (available for download here), noted the wide gap between US Mint sales of American Silver Eagle and American Gold Eagle coins. The numbers continue to amaze. In a commentary on Wealth Wire, Steve St. Angelo goes through the numbers and explains why smart investors are […]

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