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August 23, 2013Guest Commentaries

Staggering US Mint Silver Eagle Coin Sales

Peter Schiff’s latest research report, The Powerful Case for Silver (available for download here), noted the wide gap between US Mint sales of American Silver Eagle and American Gold Eagle coins. The numbers continue to amaze. In a commentary on Wealth Wire, Steve St. Angelo goes through the numbers and explains why smart investors are […]

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August 22, 2013Interviews

Peter Schiff: Economy Is Imploding, Not Growing (Video)

Greg Hunter of USAWatchDog spoke with Peter Schiff about his latest commentary, “The GDP Distractor” and the true size of the US economy. Peter talks about whether or not you should keep your money in the banks and why Americans should expect to pay more for less in the coming years. The standard of living […]

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August 21, 2013Guest Commentaries

Faber: Own Physical Gold (Video)

Marc Faber, editor of the Gloom Doom & Boom Report, appeared on CNBC to give his take on the current precious metals market. Faber was skeptical about the health of the stock market, hinted that it is in a bubble, and emphasized the importance of having safe haven hard assets in your portfolio. I have […]

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August 19, 2013Videos

Peter Schiff Debates Inflation (Video)

The Huffington Post hosted a virtual debate over inflation last week, and Peter Schiff was the only participant who staunchly maintained that inflation is a bad thing. In fact, no one even agreed with Peter on the basic definition of inflation: an increase in the money supply. So if you agree with Peter and are […]

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August 19, 2013Videos

Rickards: Fed Won’t Taper, Bullish for Gold (Video)

Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, appeared on Fox Business last week to talk about currencies. While Rickards made it clear that he didn’t have any faith in the dollar, he really wanted to talk about the bullish fundamentals for gold investing throughout most of the interview. Labor force participation is crashing… Look at the […]

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August 16, 2013Guest Commentaries

Davidowitz: US Economy Is Collapsing (Video)

Howard Davidowitz, an expert retail analyst, spoke with Yahoo! Finance about Walmart’s poor earnings report and what it indicates for the rest of the US economy. The economy is in a state of collapse… I think there’s a 50% chance we’ll be in a recession next year… That’s after spending $7 trillion dollars, printing trillions, […]

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August 15, 2013Gold Scams Exposed

Beware of “Impartial” Gold Dealer Reviews

The majority of precious metals scams prey on the uninformed, which is one of the reasons we started this blog. Just a little knowledge about best buying practices when shopping for gold and silver can prevent all sorts of nightmares. However, there are a handful of dealers that have started to find ways of tricking […]

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August 14, 2013Videos

Why Are So Many Americans Fleeing the US Economy? (Video)

Fox Business spoke with Peter Schiff yesterday about the growing number of Americans renouncing their US citizenship because of onerous taxes and regulations. Most people probably can’t afford to renounce their citizenship, but they can buy gold and silver as a way of escaping the collapsing dollar. I think over time, more and more entrepreneurs, […]

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August 13, 2013Videos

Next Fed Chairman Will Bring Economic Ruin (Video)

Yesterday, Yahoo! Finance asked Peter Schiff who he would choose as the next Federal Reserve Chairman. Unsurprisingly, Peter does not believe any of the candidates have the integrity to do the right thing with the economy. The mandate [the Fed] needs to keep under control is sound currency, to preserve the value of our money… […]

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August 12, 2013Guest Commentaries

Don’t Trust the Government, Gold Still Inflation Hedge

In his latest article at Forbes, Jack Adamo analyzes the history of government inflation statistics and why gold is still an excellent hedge in spite of the popular narrative that inflation is “under control.” “The other problem I find with the inflation-to-gold ratio analysis is this: We are truly in unknown territory with the U.S. […]

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