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February 10, 2011Original Analysis

The Two Faces of Ben Bernanke

By Peter Schiff Based on his recent public comments, Fed Chairman Bernanke seems determined to give the U.S. dollar the reputation of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak: an unwanted relic of the past that everyone agrees must go, but stubbornly clings to a privileged position. The dollar is currently the world’s ruling currency, but, as with Mubarak, […]

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February 4, 2011Original Analysis

The Simple Truth About Gold Leverage Programs

By Peter Schiff A lot of people ride motorcycles, but there’s a reason most don’t try to be Evel Knievel. Sure, there’s a big reward if you can land a jump over 14 school buses – but what if you don’t? A new craze among our competitors is to push gold buyers into “leveraged accounts.” […]

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February 4, 2011Original Analysis

Getting a Handle on the Gold Bull

The following article was written by Mary Anne and Pamela Aden for the February 2011 edition of Peter Schiff’s Gold Letter. The year ended with a bang – record or multi-year highs in gold, copper, silver, palladium, cotton, tin, cattle, and other commodities. 2010 was a particularly great year for the precious metals, as they […]

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February 4, 2011Original Analysis

The Cause and Evidence of Inflation

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary In a heated debate on the February 1st episode of CNBC’s “The Kudlow Report”, financial commentator Donald Luskin offered his “textbook” definition of inflation as “an overall rise in the general price level.” I countered with the “dictionary” definition. My 1988 edition of Webster’s Dictionary defines inflation as follows: “An increase in the volume […]

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February 1, 2011Original Analysis

Inflation is Here to Stay

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary In current economic analysis, inflation is largely in the eye of the beholder, and depending on how you choose to look, very different stories emerge. In the U.S., food and beverages count for just 16.4% of the CPI calculation. The Chinese apparently believe that the basic necessities of life should count […]

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January 28, 2011Original Analysis

A Mockery of a Sham

By Peter Schiff Back in October of 2009, when Congress first announced the formation of a commission to investigate the cause of the 2008 financial crisis, I knew immediately that their ultimate conclusions would support the agendas of their respective political parties. (Watch the video blog I recorded that day) Particularly, I knew that the […]

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January 24, 2011Original Analysis

Bernanke’s Golden Dismount

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary There can be little doubt that Fed Chairman Benjamin Bernanke has been a very, very good friend to gold investors. However, some of those who have benefited from his largesse now fear that the recent selloff in gold indicates an imminent end to Bernanke’s monetary high-wire act. Most assume that a […]

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January 13, 2011Original Analysis

Stuart Rothenberg and the Arrogance of Honesty

By Peter Schiff In the early fall of 2009, just before I announced my candidacy for the U.S. Senate, I was introduced to a number of Washington-based political analysts and journalists. Among the group was Stuart Rothenberg, writer of the Rothenberg Political Report, a classic “inside the Beltway” publication targeted at those whose lives and […]

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January 4, 2011Original Analysis

Numismatics are Fool’s Gold

By Peter Schiff Last month, I addressed the hype around gold confiscation, and debunked the myth that collectible or numismatic coins would offer effective protection. But there is another sales pitch that many dealers will use while trying to “up sell” you to numismatics. They may argue that on investment merits alone, numismatics are a […]

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January 4, 2011Original Analysis

2010: Year of the Silver Star

The following article was written by Mary Anne and Pamela Aden for the January 2011 edition of Peter Schiff’s Gold Letter. In May, gold hit an all-time record high, and then, in September, silver reached a 30-year high. It was super bullish action, exciting to watch and to be part of, and it’s not over […]

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