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April 4, 2011Original Analysis

Core Incompetency

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary For years the Federal Reserve has told us that in order to detect inflation in the economy it is important to separate “signal from noise” by focusing on “core” inflation statistics, which exclude changes in food and energy prices. Because food and energy figure so prominently into consumer spending, this maneuver […]

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April 4, 2011Original Analysis

Spending Your Stash

By Peter Schiff While gold and silver coins are nice to look at, and there’s a certain sense of independence one gets from owning them, most purchasers buy physical precious metals with the goal of eventually spending them. As they say, you can’t take it with you. Unfortunately, many purchasers buy without ever knowing how […]

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April 4, 2011Original Analysis

Volatile Times Ahead

The following article was written by Mary Anne and Pamela Aden for the April 2011 edition of Peter Schiff’s Gold Letter. Gold nearing $1500, silver nearing $40, oil well above $100! What a week… what a month… what a year! Escalating violence in Libya is adding fuel to the already strong bull markets, especially with […]

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March 29, 2011Original Analysis

The Inflation Knuckleball

By Michael Pento By its very definition, fiat money is something created out of thin air: the word “fiat” is Latin for “let it be done” (as in, by decree). But the convenience that such a currency system offers central bankers is paid at the expense of savers. With nothing of real or lasting value […]

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March 23, 2011Original Analysis

The Treasury Auction Shell Game

By Peter Schiff Very few people have either the time or patience to sift through the data released by the Treasury Department in the wake of its bond auctions. But the numbers do provide direct evidence of the country’s current financial condition that in many ways mirror a financial shell game that typifies our entire […]

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March 18, 2011Original Analysis

Quake Response Puts Yen on the Line

By Peter Schiff One of the immediate financial consequences of the catastrophic Japanese earthquake is that Japan needs to call on its huge cache of foreign exchange reserves to rebuild its shattered infrastructure. To pay for domestic projects, Japan will require yen – not dollars, euros or Swiss francs. As a result of these conversions, […]

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March 14, 2011Original Analysis

Interest Rates Are on the Launch Pad

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary A few months ago, the chorus sung by the recovery cheerleaders reached a crescendo when expanding consumer credit statistics and surging US trade deficits provided them with “evidence” of an economic rebound. In declaring victory, they overlooked the very nucleus of this past crisis: namely, the enormous debt levels and bubbling […]

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March 7, 2011Original Analysis

A Little Understanding Goes a Long Way

By Peter Schiff As the world confronts one of the most critical periods of economic upheaval that it has ever seen, it is clear that our most influential economic stewards have absolutely no idea what they are doing. But, like kids with a new chemistry set, they are nevertheless unwilling to let that stand in […]

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March 2, 2011Original Analysis

Silver Outweighs Gold

By Peter Schiff In the world of precious metals, silver spends a lot of time in the shadow of its big brother gold. Gold, with its high price-to-weight and distinctive yellow tint, has always occupied a special place in the human psyche. To many people across many ages, gold is simply the ultimate form of […]

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March 2, 2011Original Analysis

Commodities in Step with Precious Metals

The following article was written by Mary Anne and Pamela Aden for the March 2011 edition of Peter Schiff’s Gold Letter. The commodity market is on fire! Be it copper, cotton, cattle, corn, sugar, energy, or resources… most tangibles are at record highs or new highs. This is why the CRB index also recently hit […]

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