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January 13, 2011Original Analysis

Stuart Rothenberg and the Arrogance of Honesty

By Peter Schiff In the early fall of 2009, just before I announced my candidacy for the U.S. Senate, I was introduced to a number of Washington-based political analysts and journalists. Among the group was Stuart Rothenberg, writer of the Rothenberg Political Report, a classic “inside the Beltway” publication targeted at those whose lives and […]

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January 4, 2011Original Analysis

Numismatics are Fool’s Gold

By Peter Schiff Last month, I addressed the hype around gold confiscation, and debunked the myth that collectible or numismatic coins would offer effective protection. But there is another sales pitch that many dealers will use while trying to “up sell” you to numismatics. They may argue that on investment merits alone, numismatics are a […]

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January 4, 2011Original Analysis

2010: Year of the Silver Star

The following article was written by Mary Anne and Pamela Aden for the January 2011 edition of Peter Schiff’s Gold Letter. In May, gold hit an all-time record high, and then, in September, silver reached a 30-year high. It was super bullish action, exciting to watch and to be part of, and it’s not over […]

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December 31, 2010Original Analysis

Forever Stamps Tell Us Much

By Peter Schiff The United States Postal Service announced this week that all future first class postage stamps sold will be the so–called “forever stamps” that have no face value but are guaranteed to cover the cost of mailing a first class letter, regardless of how high that cost may rise in the future. Currently […]

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December 30, 2010Original Analysis

Rising Rates Reveal Debt Reality

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary The Fed’s lucky streak of luring bond investors with low interest rates may be drawing to a close. Nevertheless, the extended period of low borrowing costs has bred a new breed of investor. To the bulls and bears, we can now add the ostriches – those who bury their heads in […]

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December 17, 2010Original Analysis

For Whom the Bell Tolls

By Peter Schiff There is an old adage on Wall Street: no one rings a bell to signal a market top or bottom. Yet, I have found that bells do ring; it’s just that few people know exactly what sound to listen for. Perhaps the biggest and most liquid of all markets is for US […]

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December 13, 2010Original Analysis

Wall Street Gives Uncle Sam Too Much Credit

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary Despite the fact that the S&P is up over 80% in the last 21 months, US financial firms are currently tripping over each other in their zeal to raise their S&P 500 and GDP targets for 2011. JPMorgan’s chief US equities strategist, Thomas Lee, came out on December 3rd with a […]

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December 10, 2010Original Analysis

Washington Orders Another Free Lunch

By Peter Schiff This week Washington displayed the kind of “bipartisanship” that will bankrupt our country and wreck our currency. Coming at a time when both parties say they want to address our long-term fiscal imbalances, the compromise extension of the Bush era tax cuts should be a wake-up call to anyone who somehow expected […]

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December 7, 2010Original Analysis

Bernanke: 60 Minutes, 2 Big Lies

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary This past Sunday on the CBS program “60 Minutes”, Americans received a massive dose of mendacity from our Fed Chairman. Mr. Bernanke’s shaky delivery, and even shakier logic may cause faith in America’s economic leadership to evaporate faster than the value of our dollar. In particular, Bernanke delivered two massive distortions: […]

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December 3, 2010Original Analysis

More Stimulus Means Fewer Jobs

By Peter Schiff Today’s payroll report severely disappointed on the downside and left economists scratching their heads to explain the weakness. The explanation, however, is plain as day. As I have been saying for years, the US economy will not create jobs as long as the Fed keeps interest rates artificially low, and Congress keeps […]

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