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Posts Tagged: “labor market

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April 25, 2024Original Analysis

California’s New Minimum Wage: A Cure that Exacerbates the Sickness

The solution to a problem shouldn’t make the problem worse. But apparently, California’s policy makers missed that memo. On April 1st, the state instituted a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers, the highest in the US. With California’s absurdly high cost of living, the policy appeared to make life more manageable for low-income residents. Unfortunately, as the adage goes, “If it sounds too […]

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December 11, 2023Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Just One More Hyped Up Jobs Report

According to the latest non-farm payroll report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) the US economy added 199,000 new jobs in November and the unemployment rate dropped to 3.7%. This was widely viewed as a “strong” jobs report. According to one mainstream analyst, the November employment data “portrays an economy that is easing toward […]

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September 1, 2022Peter's Podcast

The “Strong Economy” Narrative Is Greatly Exaggerated

On the surface, some of the economic data that came out this week seemed to indicate that the economy is in better shape than the bears believe. In his podcast, Peter Schiff dug into consumer confidence and labor market data. He concluded that the strong economy narrative is greatly exaggerated. In fact, the data reveals […]

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