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Posts Tagged: “interest rates

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November 29, 2023Guest Commentaries

Fed Rate Cuts Won’t Save the Economy

October CPI coming in cooler than expected ramped up expectations that the Federal Reserve is at the end of its inflation fight. In fact, many analysts now expect the Fed to begin cutting interest rates in 2024. Looking at the bigger picture, inflation’s apparent retreat boosted mainstream belief that the economy will glide to a […]

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November 20, 2023Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: A Soft Landing Is Impossible

The latest buzzword in the mainstream financial media is “soft landing.” Everybody seems convinced the Fed has beaten inflation, and that it has completely avoided pushing the economy into a recession. According to the mainstream narrative, we may see a bit of an economic slowdown in the months ahead, but a recession is pretty much […]

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November 13, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Moody’s Lowers US Credit Outlook to “Negative”

Mainstream media pundits and politicians generally act unconcerned about the skyrocketing national debt and ever-growing budget deficits, but somebody has taken notice. On Friday, Moody’s Investor Service lowered its outlook on US government credit from “stable” to “negative.” This could be a prelude to a downgrade in the country’s AAA credit rating. The agency typically […]

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