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Posts Tagged: “gold

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February 26, 2018Videos

Peter Schiff: The Party Is Over (Video)

We’ve been talking a lot about the rising levels of debt – both government and household. Set in an environment of rising interest rates, this is a huge problem very few people seem concerned about. We’ve been enjoying a big party and it’s about to come to an abrupt end.

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February 26, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Russia Passes China; Gold Hoard Now World’s Fifth Largest

Russia has passed China to become the world’s fifth-largest gold-holding country. According to a Bloomberg report, the Bank of Russia added nearly 20 tons of gold to its stash in January, raising its total to 1,857 tons. The People’ Bank of China reported holdings of 1,843 tons. Russia has bought gold every month since March […]

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February 23, 2018Interviews

Peter Schiff: Gold Is Going to Go Ballistic (Video)

Ten-year Treasury yields flirted with 3% this week, hitting a four-year high of 2.95. Does the Treasury yield hold the leash of the stock market? Peter Schiff talked about it in an interview with Liz Claman on Fox Business, saying the Fed has kept rates artificially low for years, but given current conditions, it’s inevitable […]

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February 22, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Gold Was an Effective Hedge During Stock Selloff

The stock market plunge earlier this month reminds us why we should buy gold.  As a report released by the World Gold Council shows, gold acted as a portfolio hedge during the brief downturn. The price of gold rose as stocks sold off; as stocks partially retraced their losses, gold trended lower. But gold’s effectiveness improves […]

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February 16, 2018Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Umm…That’s Not Gold

So, here’s a little nugget I dug out of the deep, dark depths of the internet this week. A truck driving along a major highway in South Africa lost its load. This caused a major frenzy, not to mention a horrendous Los Angeles-style traffic jam. And what did this truck dump that resulted in such […]

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February 14, 2018Interviews

Peter Schiff Talks Bitcoin and Gold with Ivan on Tech

Peter Schiff recently appeared on Ivan on Tech for a wide-ranging interview. Ivan and Peter talked cryptocurrency, gold, government debt, fiat currency, the dollar and more. Ivan is one of the foremost experts on cryptocurrency. He is an international speaker, blockchain educator, software developer and data scientist. Ivan and Peter don’t see eye-to-eye on everything, […]

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