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Posts Tagged: “gold

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February 6, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Fake Financial News Clueless About Why Stock Market Tanked

It turns out Friday’s 666-point Dow Jones plunge was just a prelude. On Monday, the Dow suffered its largest-ever drop in terms of points. It was down 1,600 at one point and ultimately lost 1,175.21 points, a 4.6% decline. According to Reuters, declines for the benchmark S&P 500 index and the Dow Jones Industrial Average were […]

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February 2, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Gold and Guns

It’s no secret that 2017 was a down year for the precious metals market in the United States. Looking at US Mint sales figures tells the story. In 2016, the mint sold nearly 1 million ounces of American Gold Eagles. Sales figures in 2017 came in at just over 302,000 ounces. Meanwhile, demand for gold surged […]

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