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Posts Tagged: “Federal Reserve

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August 15, 2018Key Gold Headlines

What’s Going on in Turkey?

You’ve probably heard about economic troubles in Turkey. But what’s really going on and what caused it? In simplest terms, Turkey is in the midst of a currency crisis. The value of the lira has dropped to record lows. Year-to-date, the Turkish currency has fallen 45% against the US dollar. The official inflation rate is […]

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July 23, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: Trump Is Laying a Foundation of Blame

The dollar declined sharply, pushing gold up late last week as Pres. Trump criticized the Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy. Trump took aim at the Fed during an interview on CNBC, saying he’s “not thrilled” with the central bank’s push to raise rates. Because we go up and every time you go up they want […]

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July 18, 2018Guest Commentaries

Money Printing Does Not Do an Economy Good

The following article was written by Peter Schmidt. Any views expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Peter Schiff or SchiffGold.  When Nixon closed the gold window in August 1971, the US found itself in exactly the same economic circumstances as Britain had in September 1931 when she reneged on her gold […]

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July 2, 2018Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul Makes the Case for Gold

Earlier this month, Peter Schiff said Federal Reserve policy is pushing us toward a no-growth, high-inflation economy. There are a number of factors in play. There are growing inflation pressures. There are record amounts of debt – both government and corporate. But behind all of these symptoms, we have a disease. Ron Paul digs down […]

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June 25, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: Stagflation Is Coming

The Dow Jones was up Friday, avoiding it ninth consecutive down day. As Peter Schiff noted on his most recent podcast, such a long stretch of declines is pretty rare. Eight straight down days has only happened  43 times since the Dow launched in 1896. The last time we had nine straight days of Dow […]

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June 19, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Who Is Buying US Treasuries?

The Japanese and Chinese aren’t buying US Treasuries. In fact, both countries reduced their holdings in April. According to the US Treasury Department, the Japanese disposed of $12.3 billion in US debt. Meanwhile, Chinese Treasury holdings fell by $5.8 billion. This could be a troubling development for the US government as it scrambles to fund its […]

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