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Posts Tagged: “Federal Reserve

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September 6, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Gold and Silver Behaving A Lot Like They Did in 2008

The prices of gold and silver are behaving very much like they did in 2008. You remember what was happening in 2008, right? After the bubble burst, the Federal Reserve swooped in and dropped interest rates to an artificially low level. In the mid-2000s, the economy boomed and the housing bubble inflated driven by the sudden […]

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August 27, 2018Guest Commentaries

The Whole Thing Could Fall Apart at Any Time

We are well into the third quarter of 2018. In our perpetual fast-forward world, analysts are already looking toward Q4. What will the last quarter of the year bring? It’s virtually impossible to predict the short-term. Who knows what kind of political event, natural disaster or emerging trend will drive the markets over the next […]

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