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December 2, 2010Original Analysis

Gold and Silver Being Re-Monetized

The following article was written by Mary Anne and Pamela Aden for the December 2010 edition of Peter Schiff’s Gold Letter. Silver is skyrocketing far above the maddening crowd. It’s up 65% in just over three months – clearly the best performing asset this decade. Gold is in full gear too, barely looking back over […]

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November 24, 2010Original Analysis

The Duel over the Dual Mandate

By Peter Schiff Given the opposing views of the potentially parsimonious new Congress and the continuously accommodative Federal Reserve, there is a movement afoot among Republicans to eliminate the Fed’s “dual mandate.” Prior to 1977, the Fed only had one job: maintaining price stability. However, the stagflation of the 1970s inspired politicians to assign another […]

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November 22, 2010Original Analysis

Does the Fed Create Money?

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary Certain deflationists have recently gone on record saying that the increase in the Fed’s balance sheet is meaningless with regard to creating inflation because our central bank can’t print money, it can only create bank reserves. The problem with their view is that it both disregards the definition of money and […]

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November 17, 2010Original Analysis

Gold’s Allure Tied to Interest Rates

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary The continued bull market in the price of gold has been one of the staple discussions in the financial media for the better part of a decade. But, in that time, almost no consensus has emerged to explain the phenomenon. If you ask ten Wall Street pundits to explain the upward […]

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November 9, 2010Original Analysis

There Was a Fed Chairman Who Swallowed a Fly

By Peter Schiff While it’s true that history repeats itself, the patterns should always be separated by a generation or two to keep things respectable. Unfortunately, in today’s economic world, it seems the cycle can be counted in months. On July 24, 2009, just as the Federal Reserve unleashed its first quantitative easing campaign (now […]

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November 8, 2010Original Analysis

An Inflationary Death Spiral

Michael Pento’s Market Commentary It seems the Fed has given up on the idea that the country can build a viable and stable economy through the conventional means. Instead, our central bank has resorted to once again growing GDP and increasing employment by the creation of asset bubbles. This is a dangerous game that no […]

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November 3, 2010Key Gold Headlines

This Month in Gold – November 2010

Super-Rich Investors Buy Gold by Ton Reuters – A survey of private wealth managers catering to high net worth individuals has shown that the world’s ultra-rich are selling currencies and buying gold “by the ton.” One notable difference from past downturns is the demand for physical gold, as opposed to just ETFs and mining stocks. […]

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November 3, 2010Original Analysis

Five Bitter Pills or One Sweet but Deadly?

By Michael Pento It seems the current Chairman of the Federal Reserve is of the belief that diluting the dollar is the cure for everything from a recession to male pattern baldness. And like other snake-oil salesmen before him, Mr. Bernanke is heavy on promises and light on results. Here are five prescriptions that money […]

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November 3, 2010Original Analysis

The Currency War – Good for Gold

By Peter Schiff As the world awaits another $500 billion flood from Bernanke’s printing press, central bank governors from Brasília to Tokyo are preparing to respond in kind. This is the monetary equivalent of a nuclear war, except instead of radiation, bombs of inflation threaten to make the world economy uninhabitable for saving and productive […]

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November 3, 2010Original Analysis

Gold and Silver Blast Off

The following article was written by Mary Anne and Pamela Aden for the November 2010 edition of Peter Schiff’s Gold Letter. October saw gold soaring to record highs while silver shot up even more, reaching a 30-year high. Yes, the stronger phase of the bull market is flexing its muscles. Gold’s exceptional rise has now […]

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