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September 13, 2013Guest Commentaries

Latest Silver News from the Silver Institute

The Silver Institute’s August Silver News was released this week and is full of updates on the ever evolving world of industrial and technological silver applications. Silver might hold the key to letting our smart phone batteries last a whole week, while silver’s antimicrobial properties are garnering attention from large universities. Silver News also explains the differences between the various types of silver that are created around the world.

You may not have heard the acronym ReRAM, but you will soon. Resistive Random Access Memory or ReRAMs (sometimes written as RRAMs) operate like tiny battery cells and store data through changes in the electrical resistance of the cell. The presence or absence of an electrical charge can be used to store bits of information. Although there are different types of ReRAMs, those using silver ions show excellent promise, according to industry officials.”

Silver ReRAM

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