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Guest Commentaries

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December 31, 2012Guest Commentaries

12 Years of Bullish Gold

It looks like gold is ready to complete the year with a 6% gain, continuing it’s longest streak since 1920, according to Bloomberg. Jeff Clark of Casey Research has reviewed the opinions of prominent gold bugs and the many reasons why 2013 looks like another shiny year for the yellow metal:

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December 20, 2012Guest Commentaries

A Golden Future for Millenials?

While the older generation of politicians and central bankers seem intent on spending the United States into insolvency, perhaps the younger generations can learn from the past. Travis N. Taylor published an op/ed in the Washington Times this week calling on 18-29 year-olds to support a return to the gold standard: “Although the federal government’s […]

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December 19, 2012Guest Commentaries

Gold Bull Market Far From Over

Gold’s poor performance in the past week has triggered a flood of commentaries declaring that gold peaked back in 2011 and that prices may plummet next year. Don’t be fooled – there is plenty of evidence that gold still has a bright future. Tim Iacono published an interesting article on Seeking Alpha yesterday debunking the […]

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December 12, 2012Guest Commentaries

Fed’s Announcement and Precious Metals

As expected, today the Fed announced it will expand its balance sheet by continuing to purchase long-term Treasuries after Operation Twist expires. The Fed remains committed to buying government debt and keeping interest rates near zero until unemployment drops to 6.5%, which it admits probably won’t happen until 2015. Surprise, surprise, gold prices rose on […]

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December 8, 2012Guest Commentaries

The Long-Term Bull Market In Gold

Metals Analyst Kira Brecht published an incisive commentary on Kitco yesterday on the long-term gold trend, examining the relationship between gold and the quantitative easing of central banks: “But, what will it take to kill the long-term bull market in gold? Listen up folks and listen good. There is nothing on the near or medium […]

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December 6, 2012Guest Commentaries

How Do The Chinese View The Gold Market?

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research Have you ever wondered what the typical Chinese gold investor thinks about our Western ideas of gold? We read month-after-month about demand hitting record-after-record in their country – so how do they view our buying habits? Since 2007, China’s demand for gold has risen 27% per year. Its share […]

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December 5, 2012Guest Commentaries

China Understands the Safety of Gold – Do You?

The media has stirred up a lot of fear about the possibility of actually going over the fiscal cliff in the new year. However, Peter Schiff maintains that the cliff is an essential step in repairing the economy. He also continues to stress how much safer gold is than dollar-denominated assets, especially Treasuries:

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November 7, 2012Guest Commentaries

What Will the Price of Gold Be in January 2014?

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research While I don’t like making price predictions, and certainly ones accompanied by a specific date, it’s hard to ignore the correlation between the US monetary base and the gold price. That correlation says we’ll see $2,300 gold by January 2014. There are plenty of long-term charts that show a […]

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October 9, 2012Guest Commentaries

The Solar Silver Thrust

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research In early July, Japan set a premium price for solar energy that was three times the rate of conventional power. This meant utility companies would be paid three times more for electricity sourced from solar. It’s widely expected that the premium will ignite the use of solar power – […]

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September 7, 2012Guest Commentaries

What to Do When Inflation Gets Out of Hand

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research The cheek of it! They raised the price of my favorite ice cream. Actually, they didn’t increase the price; they reduced the container size. I can now only get three servings for the same amount of money that used to give me four, so I’m buying ice cream more […]

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