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Guest Commentaries

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October 9, 2012Guest Commentaries

The Solar Silver Thrust

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research In early July, Japan set a premium price for solar energy that was three times the rate of conventional power. This meant utility companies would be paid three times more for electricity sourced from solar. It’s widely expected that the premium will ignite the use of solar power – […]

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September 7, 2012Guest Commentaries

What to Do When Inflation Gets Out of Hand

By Jeff Clark from Casey Research The cheek of it! They raised the price of my favorite ice cream. Actually, they didn’t increase the price; they reduced the container size. I can now only get three servings for the same amount of money that used to give me four, so I’m buying ice cream more […]

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July 5, 2012Guest Commentaries

How to Save Your Money and Your Life

By Doug Casey from Casey Research I think there are only two good reasons for having a significant amount of money: to maintain a high standard of living and to ensure your personal freedom. There are lesser reasons, of course, including: to prove you can do it, to compensate for failings in other things, to […]

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December 2, 2011Guest Commentaries

Fear Risk, Not Volatility

By Jeff Nielson While watching a little television the other night, I was once again confronted by my biggest pet peeve: investment professionals who confuse risk and volatility. In this case, the offender was a TV commercial heralding the supposed virtues of an annuity with a “guaranteed rate of return.” The suggestion is that such […]

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