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September 30, 2011Original Analysis

This Month in Gold – September 2011

JPM Eyes Gold at $2,500 by December Financial Post – Prior to Standard & Poor’s downgrade of US sovereign debt, JP Morgan analysts expected gold to stay at or below the $1,800 an ounce level in 2011. Post-bombshell, however, that projection has been revised upward to $2,500. Analysts Colin Fenton and Jonah Waxman are encouraging […]

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September 23, 2011Original Analysis

Twist Paves the Way for QE III

By Peter Schiff Earlier this week the Federal Reserve ignited a firestorm in the global markets by admitting that the U.S. economy is facing significant downside risks. Although it continues to sugar coat the unpleasant reality, never has such a stunningly obvious statement resulted is so much turmoil. Once again we are seeing the knee-jerk […]

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September 13, 2011Original Analysis

How the Government Can Create Jobs

On Tuesday, September 13, Peter Schiff, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, testified before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Stimulus Oversight and Government Spending. The hearing entitled, “Take Two: The President’s Proposal to Stimulate the Economy and Create Jobs” examined federal job creation efforts. Mr. Schiff, author of many best-selling books […]

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September 9, 2011Original Analysis

More of the Same

By Peter Schiff Although it was labeled and hyped as a “jobs plan,” the new $447 billion initiative announced last night by President Obama is merely another government stimulus program in disguise. But semantics are of supreme importance in American politics…some could argue that word choice is the only thing that matters. As a result, […]

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September 2, 2011Original Analysis

Job Killer in Chief

By Peter Schiff This morning many on Wall Street were stunned by the big fat zero put up by the August jobs report, the worst showing in 11 months. The data convinced many previously optimistic economists that the United States will slip back into recession. I believe that we have been in one giant recession […]

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September 1, 2011Original Analysis

The Last Haven Standing

By Peter Schiff The markets are going through another sell-off phase, yet the traditional notions of a ‘safe haven’ are changing. No longer is the US dollar the default shelter; instead, gold, the Swiss franc, and the Japanese yen are the preferred assets. All three of these havens – gold, francs, and yen – have […]

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September 1, 2011Original Analysis

How Much Upside is Really Left in Gold & Silver?

Casey Research’s Gold Commentary By Jeff Clark With gold a stone’s throw away from $2,000 and already up 27% on the year, the objective investor might begin wondering how much higher both it and silver can climb. After all, gold is nearing its inflation-adjusted 1980 high – and that peak was a spike that lasted […]

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August 24, 2011Original Analysis

There They Go Again

By Peter Schiff Picking up where they left off in 2008, the media is in the midst of a campaign to ignore and undermine the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul (they gave me even rougher treatment during my 2010 Senate run). Political pundits just do not know what to do with a candidate who fails […]

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August 12, 2011Original Analysis

The Fix Is In

By Peter Schiff This week’s wild actions on Wall Street should serve as a stark reminder that few investors have any clue as to what is really going on beneath the surface of America’s troubled economy. But this week did bring startling clarity on at least one front. In its August policy statement the Federal […]

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