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April 2, 2014Original Analysis

The Stealth Rally: Gold Under the Radar

By Peter Schiff So far, 2014 has been a paradoxical year for gold. Many investors aren’t even aware that it has rallied more than 7%. On the rare occasion that the financial media mentions the yellow metal, it is only in the context of comparing the recent rise to last year’s decline. In spite of […]

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March 10, 2014Original Analysis

Weather or Not?

In his latest commentary, Peter Schiff pokes holes in the theory that the polar vortex and exceptionally cold winter is solely responsible for the poor economic data of the past several months. Peter argues that economists and the media are blowing a lot of hot… er, cold air to convince the public that the economy […]

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March 6, 2014Original Analysis

Gold Scams Revisited

By Peter Schiff Before Bear Stearns and Lehman collapsed, the market for physical gold was limited to a relatively small group of investors who understood the havoc inflation was wreaking on our savings and the US markets. As the financial crisis took hold, a flood of new and inexperienced buyers entered the market, creating an […]

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March 6, 2014Original Analysis

The Great Gold Redemption

By Peter Schiff The most puzzling part of the investment business is seeing how the vast and largely economically illiterate masses interpret any given piece of news. Take the recent gold selloff: many large players were motivated to sell by news that Cyprus will have to liquidate its gold stockpiles to pay off acute debt […]

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March 3, 2014Original Analysis

In Terms of Gold, Market Headed Back Down (Video)

In his latest video blog post, Peter Schiff analyzes the latest economic data and the overwhelming negative sentiment against gold. Picking apart some anti-gold headlines from Forbes and The Wall Street Journal, Peter counters the gold naysayers and explains why they’re completely misinterpreting the fundamental condition of the US economy. But rather than the price […]

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February 12, 2014Original Analysis

Jobs, Gold, and Janet Yellen (Video)

In his latest video blog post, Peter Schiff looks at last week’s jobs numbers and gold’s rally thus far in 2014. He also comments on Janet Yellen’s press conference and her obvious lies about the effects that Fed policy is having on the economy. Wall Street is still extremely skeptical of gold’s rally. Everybody expects […]

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February 6, 2014Original Analysis

Dark Gold: Shedding Light on a Mysterious Market

By Peter Schiff Gold is the simplest of financial assets – you either own it or you don’t. Yet, at the same time, gold is also among the most private of assets. Once an individual locks his or her safe, that gold effectively disappears from the market at large. Unlike bank deposits or stocks, there […]

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January 17, 2014Original Analysis

The Deflation Menace

Peter Schiff’s latest commentary for Euro Pacific Capital addresses the pernicious mainstream belief that inflation is good for the economy, while deflation is bad. If the government, supported by mainstream media’s propaganda, remains dedicated to inflationary strategies, there’s one surefire way to protect your wealth: physical gold.

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