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July 1, 2021Original Analysis

Since When Is a Little Rate Hike Years From Now Hawkish?

Markets reacted strongly to what many considered “hawkish” messaging coming out of the June Federal Reserve meeting. But is the Fed really taking a “hawkish” position? Peter Schiff said the Fed was engaging in a “no stick” monetary policy. And in his Friday Gold Wrap podcast, Mike Maharrey argued the Fed was a dove in […]

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June 16, 2021Original Analysis

Why Are US Treasury Bond Sales Are About to Spike?

The federal government has already run a $2.06 trillion budget deficit in fiscal 2021 with four months left to go. But somewhat surprisingly, over the last few months, the national debt hasn’t increased at nearly the pace you would expect considering the budget shortfalls. Given the level of spending, borrowing should be much higher. How has […]

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June 13, 2021Original Analysis

Thomas Jefferson vs. the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is the engine that drives one of the biggest, most powerful governments in the history of the world. Without the Fed, it would be difficult, if not impossible, for the government to fund its foreign wars, its massive, unsustainable social programs, the ever-growing police state, and the tangled web of corporate welfare […]

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May 27, 2021Original Analysis

Inflation Crashes the Party

It’s dawning on many investors that our post-Covid financial problems may not be as easily solved as Washington claims. The latest clue that trouble is brewing has come from the sudden and dramatic arrival of inflation. On May 12, it was revealed that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) had risen 4.2% year-over-year, the fastest pace […]

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April 29, 2021Original Analysis

Jerome Powell: Same Old Song and Dance

The Federal Reserve wrapped up its April meeting yesterday. Again, there were no changes in actual policy, leaving everybody to try to parse out meaning from the FOMC’s statement and Jerome Powell’s post-meeting press conference. When you boil it all down, it was pretty much the same song and dance from  Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome […]

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