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July 20, 2022Original Analysis

Now Inflation Is the Millennials’ Fault! Or Is It?

Putin is causing inflation. Greedy corporations are causing inflation. COVID-19 caused inflation. We hear all kinds of reasons for the recent spike in prices. And now we have a new one. It’s the millennials’ fault. This is all wrong and it illustrates the problem with redefining inflation to be something it isn’t.

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July 14, 2022Original Analysis

Another Hot CPI Read Backs the Fed Deeper into a Corner

Fed Chair Jerome Powell and other members of the central bank have continued to talk tough about fighting inflation. But I’m pretty certain that in private, they were desperately hoping to see some cooling in the inflation data so they could start backing out of the ring. With a recession pretty clearly on the horizon […]

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July 7, 2022Original Analysis

How Long Will the Fed Hawks Keep Flying?

After the June FOMC meeting and the Fed’s 75- basis point interest rate hike, I argued that the central bank is totally winging it. Reading between the lines in the minutes from that June meeting seems to bear this out. The Fed appears to be in reaction mode. The question becomes what will it react […]

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June 30, 2022Original Analysis

Rick Rule: Fed Will “Chicken Out” on Inflation Fight

Well-known investment advisor Rick Rule said the Fed will chicken out on its inflation fight. Rule runs Rule Investment Media and formerly served as the president and CEO of Sprott US Holdings Inc. In a recent interview, Rule said that the Fed could get inflation under control with significantly tighter monetary policy for a sustained […]

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June 23, 2022Original Analysis

Three Ways Fed Rate Hikes Will Impact Your Wallet

The Federal Reserve recently delivered the largest interest rate hike since 1994 in an effort to combat inflation that turned out to be not so transitory. Economists and policy wonks continue to debate the effectiveness of these rate hikes in the face of historically high inflation, but what do they mean for you? Should you […]

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June 22, 2022Original Analysis

The Inflation Solutions Are Even Worse Than the Problem

As Americans labor under the burden of inflation, the Biden administration keeps telling us the economy is just fine. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently said we are “transitioning” to “steady and stable growth.” As a result, she claims the American people are in a place where they can “take on inflation.” Americans aren’t […]

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