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January 10, 2024Original Analysis

Texas GOP Moves to Support Gold

This March, Republican primary voters in Texas won’t just be choosing which candidates to represent their party in November – they will also be voting on a series of ballot propositions that while not legally binding offer a way for voters to guide their leaders. Here’s why what is happening in Texas matters and what […]

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January 9, 2024Original Analysis

Degrowth Advocates Misunderstand the Business Cycle

December saw a resurgence of “degrowth” advocates in the media, with two articles published by Nature garnering special attention on X (formerly Twitter). The fallacies underlying the degrowth movement are not new in economics, but it’s worth revisiting them and their important connections to monetary policy in the age of central banking.

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December 26, 2023Original Analysis

The Christmas Gift That Keeps on Taking

Two days before Christmas in 1913, Woodrow Wilson gave the United States a Christmas gift that keeps taking. On that day, he signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, creating the US central bank. Since that inauspicious day, the US dollar has lost 96% of its value.

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December 23, 2023Original Analysis

(Mis) Remembering a Christmas Classic!

Would you rather have silver and gold? Or would you rather have peppermint? You might be under the impression Yukon Cornelius of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer fame was after riches of silver and gold. He wasn’t. I mean, I hate to mess with your Christmas memories, but facts are facts.

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December 19, 2023Original Analysis

The World Is Sitting on a Powder Keg of Debt

The Federal Reserve recently surrendered in its inflation fight. But price inflation is nowhere near the 2% target. Why did the Fed raise the white flag prematurely? One of the major reasons is debt. The world is buried under record debt levels and the global economy can’t function in a high interest rate environment.

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