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Posts Tagged: “taxes

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September 30, 2021Key Gold Headlines

Ohio Gold and Silver Tax Repeal Now in Effect

(October 1, 2021) – Beginning today, you will no longer have to pay sales tax when you buy gold and silver in the state of Ohio. Last summer, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a bill into law that exempts gold and silver bullion and coins from sales tax. This will not only relieve some of the […]

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April 28, 2021Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Biden’s Next Tax and Spend Boondoggle

Biden and Company have given us stimulus 3.0. They have unveiled an infrastructure spending plan. But that’s not the end of the spending. Next in the lineup comes the “American Families Plan” — another $1.8 trillion or so of government spending. Peter Schiff talked about it in his podcast, calling it a giant new welfare […]

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