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Posts Tagged: “silver-gold ratio

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February 15, 2024Original Analysis

The Gold/Silver Ratio Says Silver’s Still Cheap

The silver price has dipped since December, from almost $26 per ounce to around $22 today. We reported on silver being a relative bargain at the time, and with lower spot prices and an even higher gold/silver ratio today, gold’s monetary sibling is looking like an even more attractive buy than it was late last year.

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October 27, 2023Market Brief

Global Conflict Threatens

This week, gold and silver went their separate ways, with gold rising and silver falling. In European trade this morning, gold was $1985, up $4 from last Friday’s close, while silver was 22.81, down 21 cents. Gold is edging higher, while silver edges lower.

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September 13, 2023Original Analysis

“Silver Isn’t Scarce” and Other Myths

A commenter on the SchiffGold Facebook page recently asserted that silver coins are “junk.” Why? Because as he put it, “silver is not rare,” and, “The silver/gold ratio investment premise is obsolete in this industrial, computerized and AI world.” What should we make of these assertions?

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August 15, 2023Original Analysis

Silver Price Inexcusably Low Given the Market Dynamics

Silver is significantly undervalued right now. One analyst called the current price in the $22 an ounce range “inexcusably low.” But many analysts are bullish on silver in the medium term with projections of prices climbing to $50 to $100 an ounce over the next two to five years. The question is when will we […]

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July 12, 2022Key Gold Headlines

Three Reasons We’re Having a Silver Sale

Silver has dipped below $20 an ounce for the first time in two years. But given silver’s fundamentals, the current economic dynamics, and the trajectory of the Fed, silver appears very oversold. For the next week, you can take advantage of the lowest silver spot price in years, and we’ll even sweeten the deal with […]

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December 15, 2021Original Analysis

Silver on Sale: Silver-Gold Ratio Back Above 80:1

The silver-gold ratio has climbed back above 80-1. This has historically signaled silver on sale. As I write this article, the ratio stands at just over 80:1. That means it takes just over 80 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. To put that into perspective, the average in the modern era has […]

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