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Posts Tagged: “money printing

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December 28, 2024Guest Commentaries

Printing Power: How Central Banks Fuel State Dominance

This week marks the 111th anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve, an institution that has primarily served the interests of the political class and its cronies. With the power to print money continually expanding, it’s worth analyzing the phenomena of central banking throughout history. The following article was originally published by the Mises […]

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June 21, 2024Key Gold Headlines

Gold’s Natural Scarcity Propels its Valuation Growth

The U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1933. But ninety-one years later, in the midst of an inflation crisis, investors are flocking back to the original. The U.S. government is set to print about $200 billion in bills in 2024. That’s $548 million for every day. Despite the rampant inflation reducing consumer purchasing power around […]

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May 18, 2020Key Gold Headlines

QE Infinity: Money Supply Grew at Record Rate in April

The money supply growth rate surged to an all-time high in April as the Federal Reserve created cash at an unprecedented rate through quantitative easing and other money-creating monetary policies. According to Ryan McMaken at the Mises Institute, the only time the Fed has come close to this level of money creation was in the […]

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