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Posts Tagged: “monetary policy

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June 12, 2024Key Gold Headlines

Chinese Central Bank Halts Gold Acquisitions

China has called quits on its 18-month gold buying spree, causing precious metal prices to stumble this week as the world’s largest buyer unexpectedly closes its tab. In 2023, the People’s Bank of China purchased more gold than any of the world’s other central banks, swelling its reserves of the precious metal to more than […]

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June 12, 2024Original Analysis

Three States Start Summer with Sound Money Policies

Earlier this year, four states took steps toward strengthening sound money by lifting or reducing taxes faced by holders of physical gold and silver. Only a few months later, three other states have actually implemented new sound money policies, and by doing so, they have improved their citizens’ economic standing.

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June 5, 2024Original Analysis

The Bank of Japan Just Contradicted Itself

On one hand, the Band of Japan says that it wants long-term interest rates to be dictated by market forces. But on the other hand, the BoJ has been spending 6 trillion yen per month buying bonds to prop up its currency. In other words, it’s doing everything in the world to control short-term interest […]

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May 26, 2024Original Analysis

The Fed vs. The Treasury: All Roads Lead to Inflation

In the fight against inflation, is it the Fed or the Treasury that calls the shots? The answer is, it’s both. The Fed raises interest rates to make loans less attractive and bring inflation down, but The Treasury has its own set of magic tricks to artificially “stimulate” or “tighten” the economy as well. One of […]

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May 17, 2024Interviews

Schiff vs. Hanke: Who’s to Blame for Inflation?

Last week, Peter debated Steve Hanke, professor of economics at Johns Hopkins University, on inflation, the debt crisis, and the future of the dollar. David Lin hosted the debate on The David Lin Report and provided moderation for the event. While Peter and Hanke have their disagreements, both ultimately agree that the United States is in rough fiscal and monetary shape, and terrible monetary […]

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May 17, 2024Original Analysis

Not Just the US: Global Debt-To-GDP Ratios Are Skyrocketing

The US national debt is so out of control that, ironically enough, even the Federal Reserve chair has expressed concern about the problem. And while America is among the top contributors, it isn’t just the US that’s spending money it doesn’t have: after briefly declining in 2023, the global debt-to-GDP ratio is again at an all-time high.

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May 12, 2024Guest Commentaries

Why The Establishment Fears a Trump-led Fed

While in office, Trump blamed the Fed for tightening monetary policy. Now members of Trump’s team allegedly plan to give a re-elected Trump more power over the Fed, igniting panic from mainstream economists about a politicized Fed. Our guest commentator explains why the real risk, from the establishment’s perspective, is not that Trump will turn the […]

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