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Posts Tagged: “monetary policy

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October 21, 2019Key Gold Headlines

We’re Being Robbed!

We’re being robbed! And most of us don’t even realize it. When the stock market tanked late last year, the Federal Reserve came to the rescue. First, we had the “Powell Pause” and then we got two interest rate cuts. More recently, the Fed launched a new quantitative easing program – although the central bank […]

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October 1, 2019Key Gold Headlines

Does the Fed Have the US Economy on Life Support?

The Fed did exactly what markets expected during the September FOMC meeting and lowered interest rates another 25 basis points. It was the second cut of the year and pushed the interest rate down to the range of 1.75 – 2%. And yet we’re told that this is the economy is “great.” What gives? Economist […]

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September 24, 2019Guest Commentaries

Nobody Knows the “Correct” Fed Policy

Central bankers suffer from what some might call fatal conceit. They actually believe that if they tinker enough, they can come up with a policy that will work “just right.” Maybe we should call it the Goldilocks Syndrome. But the truth is they don’t know.

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September 3, 2019Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: The Fed Makes Life Easier for Politicians

The Federal Reserve makes life easier for politicians by pursuing monetary policies that shield them from the consequences of bad economic decision-making. By keeping interest rates low and printing money, the Fed hides the nefarious impact of government spending, trade wars and other bad policies. Peter Schiff talked about this in a recent podcast.

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August 13, 2019Key Gold Headlines

The Fed Has the US Economy on Life Support

The Federal Reserve has the US economy on monetary life support and Daily Reckoning managing editor Brian Maher says it will never again breathe on its own. As hedge fund manager Kyle Bass put it, the economy is trapped within the inescapable tractor beam of zero percent interest rates.

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