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Posts Tagged: “monetary policy

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January 24, 2022Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Has Fed Talk Pricked the Mother of All Bubbles?

It appears talk of less loose monetary policy has pricked the bubble. Peter Schiff talked about it in a recent podcast. We’ve seen a significant rotation out of the overpriced, high-risk momentum stocks that enjoyed the benefit of the bubble. They are now collapsing – not because the Fed has actually tightened monetary policy, but […]

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January 21, 2022Friday Gold Wrap

Perceptions: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap Jan. 21, 2022

It is often said that perception is reality. Politicians spend a tremendous amount of time and energy trying to shape perceptions. So, how does the average American perceive the US economy? In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap, host Mike Maharrey talks about economic perceptions – both those the politicians are trying to create […]

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January 18, 2022Interviews

Peter Schiff: This Bubble Economy Is Going to Burst

Peter Schiff recently appeared on the Rob Schmidt Show on Newsmax to talk about the trajectory of the US economy. Peter explains how the Federal Reserve and the US government created a massive bubble, why it is going to ultimately pop, and how to protect your savings and investments when it does.

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January 17, 2022Original Analysis

Peter Schiff: The Year of Living Dangerously

With 2021 now in the rear-view mirror, I believe that future financial historians may regard it as the year of peak speculation. While the history of American markets is littered with periods of irrational exuberance, none of those episodes can really match the current market for outright delusion and the blatant disregard for basic investment […]

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