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Posts Tagged: “Japanese economy

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June 24, 2024Original Analysis

ZIRP-Addicted Japan Is Crumbling Under Higher Rates

The message is loud and clear: The Japanese economy has no tolerance for higher interest rates after the Bank of Japan has kept them artificially near zero for decades. Meanwhile, as the largest holders of US Treasury debt, Japan’s economic well-being has become inextricably dependent on the capricious whims of Federal Reserve monetary policy — […]

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May 1, 2024Original Analysis

“Safe Haven” Yen Trending Towards Zero Against Gold

The yen was once known as a safe-haven currency for investors to protect themselves when broader markets are shaky or other currencies are dropping, but those days are numbered. A stable government and consistent (and low) interest rates have been some of the driving factors, but it’s the unwinding of that ultra-low interest rate policy that will be the yen’s “safe […]

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