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Posts Tagged: “interest rates

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November 22, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Trusting the Fed: Will the White Knight Save the Day?

As we reported last week, investors are in an era of “irrational exuberance.” The US stock market is at all-time highs. Meanwhile, market volatility is at lows not seen since the 1990s. In an odd juxtaposition of seemingly contradictory points of view, investors realize the market is overvalued, but at the same time, they believe it […]

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October 30, 2017Guest Commentaries

In Fed We Trust…Or Do We?

There’s been a lot of focus on the Federal Reserve lately. Earlier this month, the central bank launched efforts to shrink its balance sheet after years of quantitative easing. Most analysts also expect one more interest rate increase this year. Then there is rampant speculation about who will take the reins at the Fed when Janet […]

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September 19, 2017Key Gold Headlines

The Fed Balance Sheet – It’s Not Going to Shrink

The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee will meet this week. There is virtually no expectation of a rate hike this time around, but there is widespread anticipation that the Fed will outline its strategy for shrinking its massive balance sheet. In his most recent podcast, Peter Schiff made a pretty good case that the Fed […]

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