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Posts Tagged: “inflation

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June 25, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: Stagflation Is Coming

The Dow Jones was up Friday, avoiding it ninth consecutive down day. As Peter Schiff noted on his most recent podcast, such a long stretch of declines is pretty rare. Eight straight down days has only happened  43 times since the Dow launched in 1896. The last time we had nine straight days of Dow […]

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June 15, 2018Key Gold Headlines

“Sizzling” Retail Sales Numbers Inflated by Eroding Dollar

If you saw the headlines about the latest retail sales figures, you probably noticed adjectives like “hot,” “booming” and “sizzling.” Total retail sales including food services were up 5.9% year-on-year in May. That’s an impressive number until you factor in inflation. In fact, a decline in the dollar’s purchasing power accounted for nearly half the […]

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June 13, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Your Incredibly Shrinking Dollar

Over the last 12 months, the purchasing power of your dollar has dropped at the fastest rate since 2011. According to the latest data released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) jumped by 2.8% year-over-year in May. That follows on the heels of a 2.5% leap year-over-year in April. In […]

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