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Posts Tagged: “inflation

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December 27, 2021Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: There Is No Ceiling on Inflation

Gold closed out the week before Christmas above $1,800 an ounce, despite rising bond yields. The $1,800 level has been viewed as a ceiling for the price of gold. In his podcast, Peter Schiff said people need to start thinking of $1,800 as a floor. And he said they will once they realize there is […]

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December 23, 2021Guest Commentaries

No Elizabeth Warren: Greed Is Not Causing Inflation

With the “transitory” inflation narrative dead and buried, the powers that be have shifted to a new tactic to deflect their responsibility for rising prices – blame somebody else. Elizabeth Warren recently claimed that rising prices were due to “price gouging” by “greedy” corporations. But the evidence says otherwise. In fact, producer prices have risen […]

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December 16, 2021Key Gold Headlines

Retail Sales Disappoint Despite Surging Prices

In October, retail sales surged much higher than expected, rising 1.7%. The mainstream gushed over retail spending, asserting that it was a sign that the economy is booming. At the time, I argued that it wasn’t necessarily good news. Well, the news just got even worse. Retail sales in November disappointed, despite another big surge […]

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