Peter Schiff: Dow Jones Still Far from Record When Priced in Gold
The Dow Jones index hit record highs last week. But when you price the index in real money — gold — it remains far below record levels.
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The Dow Jones index hit record highs last week. But when you price the index in real money — gold — it remains far below record levels.
Two weeks ago, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said it would be “premature” to conclude that monetary policy is sufficiently restrictive. This week, the Fed indicated rate cuts are on tap for next year. What a difference two weeks makes! In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap, host Mike Maharrey breaks down this week’s […]
Most mainstream pundits characterized the November jobs report as a “Goldilocks” report. Job growth was strong enough to support the “soft landing” narrative but not so strong it might scare the Fed into raising interest rates again. President Joe Biden used the report to boast about his economic achievements. But according to Peter Schiff, Biden […]
It’s not a good idea to argue about things you don’t know anything about. Most people realize this — until it comes to economics. A lot of people argue economics from a position of ignorance. President Biden is one of those people. In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap, host Mike Maharrey dissects a […]
Gold blew through $2,100 and set a record high Sunday night. Then it rapidly sold off on Monday. But gold still held above $2,000. In his podcast, Peter Schiff put the big rally and subsequent selloff into perspective, talked about what’s next, and discussed how investors can best position themselves for subsequent moves.
The flow of metal out of gold-backed ETFs slowed significantly in November, with North American ETFs charting gold inflows for the first time in five months. A total of 9 tons of gold flowed out of ETFs globally, but total assets under management increased by 2% thanks to the rise in the price of gold.
Peter Schiff recently appeared on the Claman Countdown with Creative Planning president Peter Mallouk to talk about the recent record high in gold and the trajectory of the markets over the next few months. Mallouk is bullish on the stock market, but Schiff makes the case that this is gold’s day.
Central banks gobbled up gold over the summer and the buying spree has continued into the fall. Globally, central banks added another net 42 tons of gold to their reserves in October.
Gold surged to a new record high of $2135 early Sunday morning before pulling back sharply Monday. In this video, Peter Schiff explains why this is a buying opportunity. After setting the record, gold quickly sold off and consolidated, dropping over $100 back to around $2,020. Some people see the quick selloff as a bearish […]
At the current price, silver is a real bargain. Gold went on a run late last week, setting an all-time record high last Friday and breaking the $2,100 level for a brief time in overseas trading Sunday night. Silver also rallied but continues to lag behind gold. In fact, silver looks significantly underpriced based on […]