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Posts Tagged: “gold

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April 26, 2018Interviews

Short-Term or Long-Term: Gold Has Done What It’s Supposed To

  Last month, US Global Investors CEO Frank Holmes offered three reasons he thinks the gold might hit $1,500 per ounce this year. His number one reason was rising inflation. In a recent interview on Bloomberg Radio, Holmes reiterated that high inflation looks good for gold in the near future. He also pointed out that whether you […]

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April 19, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Gold Could Play Key Role in Cancer Treatment

In recent years, gold has been increasingly valued for its use in various technological applications. In a report late last year, the World Gold Council reported the demand for gold in the technology sector has been growing since 2016 and that growth is continuing to accelerate due to new innovations. Some of the most amazing developments utilizing […]

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April 18, 2018Key Gold Headlines

The Petroyuan Is For Real

Late last month, China finally launched its much anticipated yuan-denominated oil futures contract. Many analysts think this is yet another sign that the mighty dollar’s world dominance is coming to an end.

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April 17, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: Enjoy the Calm Before the Storm

In his latest podcast, Peter Schiff said we are basically enjoying the calm before the storm right now. With the US missile strike in Syria, rumblings of a trade war and a generally weak dollar, gold briefly flirted with $1,365 last week. But the anticipation of Federal Reserve rate hikes continues to create strong headwinds […]

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April 16, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Brits Go on a Gold Buying Spree

If reports from two major London gold dealers serve as any indication, a lot of Brits are buying gold. According to a report in Business Insider, Sharps Pixley reported a whopping 253% year-on-year increase in physical gold sales in March. Showroom sales last month came in at over $12.7 million compared to $3.6 million during the same […]

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April 12, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Germans Showing Off Their Gold

The Germans are showing off their gold. The country ranks second in the world only to the US in official gold holdings. This week, the Bundesbank launched a six-month exhibition on gold showcasing its reserves along with the bank’s most interesting gold bars and coins. The official exhibit is part of a renewed emphasis on the […]

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