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Posts Tagged: “Federal Reserve

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October 19, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Cracking Commercial Real Estate Market Stressing Banks

Problems in the commercial real estate  (CRE) sector continue to bubble under the surface. This is a major stress point for US banks and could precipitate the next phase of the financial crisis. A combination of high interest rates and declining tenancy is putting the squeeze on commercial real estate owners. As a result, banks […]

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October 16, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: The Government Is Lying About Inflation

The CPI has cooled in recent months, but Americans say they’re still struggling with rising prices and they’re worried about inflation. Why is there this dichotomy between people’s perceptions and the official data? Peter Schiff recently appeared on Real America with Dan Ball to talk about the economy. He said the problem is the government […]

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October 3, 2023Original Analysis

Fed’s Favorite Inflation Measure Revised Higher

Price inflation has been even worse than advertised. Of course, you know that because you’ve lived it. But it is nice when the data crunchers swerve a little closer to reality. The Bureau of Economic Analysis did just that, revising its Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) data higher for the entirety of this inflation cycle.

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