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Posts Tagged: “Federal Reserve

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November 14, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Silver-Gold Ratio Hits Quarter-Century High

The silver-gold ratio hit the highest level in over a quarter century this week. The ratio hit to 86:1 as dollar strength pulled both the price of silver and gold lower this week after the Federal Reserve indicated it plans to keep pushing interest rates higher. The price of silver fell even more steeply than […]

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October 24, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Jerome Powell Is Trump’s Scapegoat

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has become Pres. Donald Trump’s favorite scapegoat. As “his” stock market gets more and more volatile, Trump needs somebody to blame — especially during election season. The Fed chair makes the perfect target.

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October 15, 2018Guest Commentaries

Fatal Conceit and the Question That’s Never Asked

Keynesian central planners suffer from what Peter Schmidt calls “fatal conceit.” Paul Krugman serves as the poster child for central planning arrogance. But it’s the Federal Reserve that gives the central planners power, as Schmidt highlighted in the first article in a series highlighting this fatal conceit. Schmidt built on this theme in the second article, […]

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