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Posts Tagged: “economy

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December 10, 2018Key Gold Headlines

What Do These Jobs Numbers Really Tell Us Anyway?

November’s jobs numbers came out Friday weaker than expected. Trump’s twitter feed was strangely silent on the jobs report. Generally, he likes to tout unemployment as an accomplishment, even though he poo-pooed the same numbers when he was campaigning against Obama. As Peter Schiff pointed out in his most recent podcast, the official numbers significantly understate […]

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December 5, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: Nobody Wants to Deal With the Truth

The stock market got a nice bump on Monday with the news that there was a “truce” in the trade war. That lasted all of one day. The markets tanked on Tuesday as investors realized the “truce” really didn’t mean anything. The Dow Jones plunged 799 points, a 3.1% drop. The S&P 500 declined 3.2%, […]

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November 30, 2018Guest Commentaries

The Fed’s Crazy Game of Chicken

As Peter Schiff put it in his most recent podcast, Jerome Powell blinked. In a surprising about-face, the Federal Reserve Chair hinted that interest rates are “just below” neutral, leading to speculation that the central bank might be close to ending its tightening cycle.  Peter said the Fed has basically been playing a game of chicken […]

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November 28, 2018It's Your Dime

Pop Goes the Auto Bubble: It’s Your Dime Special

In this special episode of It’s Your Dime, Mike Maharrey switches roles and becomes the interviewee. Mike recently appeared on Inside the News with Paul Jensen and Suzanne Sherman on K-TALK AM1640 in Utah to talk about the popping of the auto bubble and more generally how the Federal Reserve has set us up for […]

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November 28, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Corporate Debt Could Make Next Recession “Difficult to Manage”

Bankers, investors and executives are increasingly worried about corporate debt,  according to a Reuters report. Specifically, the concerns center around “leveraged lending.” These are loans made to firms already deeply in debt. Think subprime loans for corporations. As the Reuters report put it, “the concern is that the loans would be difficult to either collect […]

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